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Performance Engineering LaboratoryOur mission is to educate elite programmers and to do high-quality research related to any aspect of programming, performance programming in particular. |
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M.Sc. and Ph.D. ThesesMarius-Florin Cristian, The minimum-spanning-tree problem—The road to linear complexity, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2018) [open to public: no] Ask Neve Gamby, Expected linear-time convex-hull algorithms: Investigation into possible improvements of the running times in the planar case, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2017) [open to public: no] Michael Friis, A system concept combining blood glucose and insulin injection data in the treatment of people with type 1 diabetes: An industrial innovation project, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2016) [confidental] Lukasz Kozlowski, Domain-driven design in finance: Designing bond pricing validation software, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2016) [confidental] Henrik Thorup Andersen, A study of I/O efficient maps and sets, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2016) [html] Jacob Jepsen, GPU programming made easier, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2014) [html] Mikkel Abrahamsen, Constant-workspace algorithms for visibility problems in the plane, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2013) [pdf] Claus Jensen, Improving the efficiency of priority-queue structures: Using data-structural transformations and number systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2012). The text and slides can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] Sune Tougaard-Andersen, Efficient chip-multi-processor programming, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2011) [html] Jens Peter Svensson, Design og implementering af programbiblioteket CPH collections, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2011) [html] Asger Bruun, Tuning af CPH STLs komponentstrukturer for smeltbare prioritetskøer, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2010) [html] Ramón Salvador Soto Rouco, Efficient algorithms and data structures on multi-core computers, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2010) [html] Søren Gade, Slutbrugerudvikling: Tilgængelighed og manipulation af data inden for kontaktallergiforskning, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2010) [html] Jesper Alf Dam, DikuSTM: A transactional memory library for C++ and C++0x, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2010). The text and source code can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] Bo Simonsen, Foundations of an adaptable container library, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2009). The text and source code can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] Anders Thøgersen, Searching for similar binding sites, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2009). The text can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] Klaus Byskov Hoffmann, Domain-driven design in action: Designing an identity provider, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2009). The text can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] Michael Neidhardt, Robusthed i geometriske algoritmer, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2008). The text, slides, and source code can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] Kasper Egdø, A software transactional memory library for C++, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2008). The text can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] Jacob de Fine Skibsted and Stephan Lynge Herlev Larsen, Distributing usage of bandwidth for on-demand streaming, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2007). The text and slides can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] Csaba Gulyás, Creation of a Bayesian network-based meta spam filter, using the analysis of different spam filters, Master's thesis, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2006). [pdf] Claus Jensen, Theoretical and practical efficiency of priority queues, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2006). The text, slides, and source code can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] Andrei Bjarke Moskvitin Josephsen, Sekventiel lagringsstruktur og dets anvendelser, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2006). [pdf] Fabio Vitale, An investigation into efficient priority queues, Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Varese (2006). [ps] [pdf] Christopher Derek Curry, Reengineering a university department, Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2004). The thesis is a book manuscript written jointly with Jyrki Katajainen. More information about the book is available at its home page [html] Frederik Rønn, Cache-oblivious searching and sorting, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2003). The text, the source code, and benchmark results can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] Jeppe Nejsum Madsen, Methods for interactive constraint satisfaction, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2003). The text and the source code can be downloaded from the supporting page [html] This thesis was acknowledged as the best master's thesis in Denmark in 2003 by Dansk Selskab for Datalogi (DSD) [html] Jesper Holm Olsen and Søren Christian Skov, Cache-oblivious algorithms in practice, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2002). The text, the source code, and all benchmark results can be downloaded from the authors' own page [html] Hans-Henrik Stærfeldt, Protein-protein interaction: Heuristic search in databases of 3d protein structures, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2002). [ps.gz] Lars Yde, Supporting intellectual work through rendering and review, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2001). Thesis with appendices: [pdf] Thesis without appendices: [pdf] Appendices only: [pdf] Sofus Mortensen, Refining the pure-C cost model, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2001). [pdf] Rasmus Borch, SQL99s objektmodel --- teori og praksis, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2001). [pdf] Jesper Bojesen, Managing memory hierarchies, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2000). [ps] Adam Arndt, Anvendelse af internet til intellektuelt samarbejde, Master's Thesis, The IT University of Copenhagen (2000). This thesis tells, among other things, how the paper Performance engineering case study: Heap construction by Jesper Bojesen, Jyrki Katajainen, and Maz Spork was written. [doc.zip] Anders Sewerin Johansen, SENSE --- delt lager på netværk af arbejdsstationer, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (1999). [ps] Morten Nicolaj Pedersen, A study of the practical significance of word RAM algorithms for internal integer sorting, Master's Thesis, Department of Computing, University of Copenhagen (1999). [ps] Tomi Pasanen, In-place algorithms for sorting problems, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Turku (1999). Maz Spork, Design and analysis of cache-conscious programs, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (1999). [ps] [pdf] Michael Lykke, Experimental evaluation of minimum-cost flow algorithms, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (1997). Ramzi Fadel & Kim Vagn Jakobsen, Data structures and algorithms in a two-level memory, Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (1996). [ps] |
This page was last modified by Jyrki Katajainen on 2019-01-12. |