Improving the efficiency of priority-queue structures: Using data-structural transformations and number systems

Ph.D. Thesis by Claus Jensen


In this thesis we investigate the comparison complexity of operations used in the manipulation of worst-case efficient data structures. The focus of the study is on the design and analysis of priority queues and double-ended priority queues. A priority queue is a data structure that stores a collection of elements and supports the operations find-min, insert, extract, decrease, delete, and meld; a double-ended priority queue also supports the operation find-max.

The worst-case efficiency of the priority queues and double-ended priority queues is improved using data-structural transformations and number systems. The research has been concentrated on improving the leading constant in the bound expressing the worst-case comparison complexity of the delete operation while obtaining a constant cost for a subset of the other operations. Our main contributions are:

In total, we introduce seven priority queues, two double-ended priority queues, and three number systems.

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