Uses of Class

Packages that use Point
ProGAL.geom3d This package contains classes that are all related to three-dimensional geometric concepts. 
ProGAL.geom3d.complex A simplicial complex is a topological space of a particular kind, constructed by "gluing together" points, line segments, triangles, and their n-dimensional counterparts. 
ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex An alpha complex for a set of d-dimensional points and a real number alpha is a subset of the Delaunay complex where all simplices that can be enclosed by an alpha-probe (a hypersphere of radius alpha), without the probe enclosing any points, are removed. 
ProGAL.geom3d.complex.delaunayComplex A Delaunay complex for a set of d-dimensional points is a tesselation of the points such that no point is inside the circumscribing hypersphere of the d-simplices (for the 3D case: Tetrahedra). 
ProGAL.geom3d.viewer All classes required for the 3D scene viewer J3DScene
ProGAL.math This package contains math-classes that are not necessarily related to geometrical concepts. 

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d

Subclasses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d
 class PointWeighted

Fields in ProGAL.geom3d declared as Point
 Point ParametricPlane.p

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d that return Point
 Point Point.add(Vector p)
          Returns p added to this (without changing this object).
 Point Point.addThis(Point p)
 Point Point.addThis(Vector p)
          Returns p added to this (changing this object).
 Point Triangle.circumcenter()
          Return the circumcenter of the triangle.
 Point Point.clone()
          Return a new object that equals this object.
static Point Rectangle.closestSegmentPoint(Point p11, Point p12, Point p2)
static Point[] Rectangle.closestSegmentPoint(Point p1, Point p2, Point q1, Point q2)
          28HOps at most.
 Point LineSegment.getA()
          Get the first point spanning the segment.
 Point LineSegment.getB()
          Get the second point spanning the segment.
 Point Triangle.getCenter()
          Return the center of the triangle.
 Point Shape.getCenter()
          Get the geometric center of the shape.
 Point Point.getCenter()
          Returns a clone of this point.
 Point Plane.getCenter()
          Returns the defining point for this plane.
 Point LineSegment.getCenter()
          Returns the mid-point of this line-segment.
 Point Circle.getCenter()
          Get the center of the circle.
 Point PointList.getCentroid()
          Get the centroid of the points.
static Point Point.getCircumCenter(Point a, Point b, Point c)
 Point LineSegment.getClosestPoint(Point q)
          Get the point on the segment closest to a given point q.
 Point Triangle.getCorner(int c)
          Get the specified corner of this triangle
 Point[] Rectangle.getCorners()
          Return corners of rectangle in counter-clockwise order.
static Point Point.getEquilateralPoint(Point a, Point b, Point c)
 Point PointList.getExtreme(Vector direction)
          Get the most extreme point in the direction specified by the vector.
 Point PointList.getExtremeBack()
          Get the deepest point (in case of ties the left topmost point is returned).
 Point PointList.getExtremeBottom()
          Get the lowest point (in case of ties the bottom rightmost point is returned).
 Point PointList.getExtremeFront()
          Get the frontmost point (in case of ties the front rightmost point is returned).
 Point PointList.getExtremeLeft()
          Get the leftmost point (in case of ties the bottom lefttmost point is returned).
 Point PointList.getExtremeRight()
          Get the rightmost point (in case of ties the top rightmost point is returned).
 Point PointList.getExtremeTop()
          Get the highest point (in case of ties the left topmost point is returned).
 Point[] Plane.getIntersection(Circle circle)
          Get intersection of a circle with the plane.
 Point[] Circle.getIntersection(Circle c)
          Intersection of 2 circles in the same plane
 Point[] Plane.getIntersection(Circle circle, Vector u)
 Point Plane.getIntersection(Line line)
          Get the intersection of a line with the plane.
 Point Line.getIntersection(Line l)
          Gets the intersection-point of this line with l.
 Point Plane.getIntersection(LineSegment sgm)
          Get the intersection of a segment with the plane.
 Point Triangle.getIntersection(Point p, Vector dir)
 Point LineSegment.getMidPoint()
          Gets the midpoint of the segment.
static Point Point.getMidpoint(Point p, Point q)
          Creates the midpoint of two points.
 Point ParametricPlane.getP()
 Point Line.getP()
          Returns the point defining this line.
 Point ParametricPlane.getP(double[] pars)
 Point Triangle.getP1()
          Get the first corner
 Point Triangle.getP2()
          Get the second corner
 Point Triangle.getP3()
          Get the third corner
 Point Plane.getPoint()
          Get the point defining this plane.
 Point Line.getPoint(double t)
          Gets the point on the line defined by the specified parameter.
 Point Triangle.getPoint(int c)
          Get the specified corner-point of this triangle
 Point Simplex.getPoint(int i)
          TODO: Comment
 Point Point.getPoint(int i)
 Point LineSegment.getPoint(int i)
          TODO: Comment and test
static Point Point.getSteinerPoint(Point a, Point b, Point c)
 Point Triangle.incenter()
 Point Line.orthogonalProjection(Point q)
          Returns the othogonal projection of the point q onto this line.
 Point Plane.projectPoint(Point p)
          Get the projection of p onto this plane.
 Point Point.reflectThroughOrigoThis()
          Reflects this point through origo.
 Point Line.rotate(Point p, double angle)
          Return a rotation of p around this line.
 Point Line.rotateIn(Point point, double angle)
          Rotate point around this line, store the result in point and return the results.
 Point Point.subtract(Vector p)
          Returns p subtracted from this (without changing this object).
 Point Point.subtractThis(Point p)
 Point Point.subtractThis(Vector p)
          Returns p subtracted from this (changing this object).
 Point Vector.toPoint()
          Convert this vector to a point.

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d with parameters of type Point
 int Plane.above(Point p)
          Returns 1/0/-1 if point p is above/on/below this plane.
 Vector Vector.add(Point p)
          Add p to this vector and return the result (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.addThis(Point p)
          Add p to this vector and return the result (changing this object).
 Point Point.addThis(Point p)
 int Plane.below(Point p)
          Returns 1/0/-1 if point p is below/on/above this plane
static Point Rectangle.closestSegmentPoint(Point p11, Point p12, Point p2)
static Point[] Rectangle.closestSegmentPoint(Point p1, Point p2, Point q1, Point q2)
          28HOps at most.
static boolean Point.collinear(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2)
          Returns true if three points are on the same line.
 boolean Triangle.contains(Point p)
static boolean Point.coplanar(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
          Returns true if four specified points are in the same plane
 double Point.distance(Point q)
          Get the distance from this point to point q
 double Point.distanceSquared(Point q)
          Get the squared distance from this point to point q.
 boolean Point.dominates(Point q)
          Returns true if this point dominates point q.
 boolean Point.dominates(Point q, int i, int j, int k)
          Returns true if this point dominates point q (i=0,1,2 is the most important coordinate, j=0,1,2 is the second most important coordinate and k=0,1,2 is the least important coordinate).
 double p)
 boolean Point.equals(Point p)
          Returns true iff this point and point p are overlapping.
static double Point.getAngle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
          Get the angle between the line segments p2->p1 and p2->p3.
static Plane Point.getBisector(Point p, Point q)
          Creates a bisector between points p and q
static Point Point.getCircumCenter(Point a, Point b, Point c)
 Point LineSegment.getClosestPoint(Point q)
          Get the point on the segment closest to a given point q.
static double Point.getCosDihedralAngle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4)
static double Point.getDihedralAngle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4)
          Get the dihedral angle defined by the 4 non-collinear points p1, p2, p3, p4.
 double Plane.getDistance(Point p)
          Gets perpendicular distance of point to this plane
 double LineSegment.getDistance(Point q)
          Gets the distance from q to the nearest point on this segment.
 double Line.getDistance(Point q)
          Gets the orthogonal distance to a point.
 double Line.getDistanceSquared(Point q)
          Gets the squared orthogonal distance to a point.
static Circle Circle.getEquilateralCircle(Point a, Point b)
          Create the equilateral circle of two points.
static Point Point.getEquilateralPoint(Point a, Point b, Point c)
 java.lang.Double Circle.getFirstIntersection(Circle c, Point p, Vector dir)
          returns the smallest rotation angle (direction determined by vector dir) needed to bring point p on this circle to be on the circle c as well.
 java.lang.Double Circle.getFirstIntersection(Line line, Point p, Vector dir, J3DScene scene)
          returns the smallest rotation angle (direction determined by vector dir) needed to bring point p on this circle to be on the line l as well.
 Point Triangle.getIntersection(Point p, Vector dir)
 java.lang.Double Plane.getIntersectionAngle(Circle circle, Point p, Vector dir, J3DScene scene)
static Point Point.getMidpoint(Point p, Point q)
          Creates the midpoint of two points.
 double LineSegment.getSquaredDistance(Point q)
          Gets the squared distance from q to the nearest point on this segment.
static Point Point.getSteinerPoint(Point a, Point b, Point c)
static double Point.inSphere(Point p, Point q, Point r, Point s, Point t)
          Returns a positive double if point t is inside the sphere through points p, q, r, s.
 double Line.optimalRotation(Point[] moving, Point[] target)
          Return the optimal right-hand rotation around the line that brings the m-points as close to the f-points as possible.
 double Line.optimalRotation(Point[] moving, Point[] target)
          Return the optimal right-hand rotation around the line that brings the m-points as close to the f-points as possible.
static double Point.orientation(Point p, Point q, Point r, Point s)
static double Point.orientation(Point p, Point q, Point r, Point s, Point t)
 Point Line.orthogonalProjection(Point q)
          Returns the othogonal projection of the point q onto this line.
 double Line.orthogonalProjectionParameter(Point q)
          Returns the line-parameter of the othogonal projection of the point q onto this line.
 Point Plane.projectPoint(Point p)
          Get the projection of p onto this plane.
 double[] ParametricPlane.projectPoint(Point v)
          Projects the point v onto this plane and returns the parameters of the projected point (scaling of v1, of v2 and finally the distance or scaling along n).
 Point Line.rotate(Point p, double angle)
          Return a rotation of p around this line.
 Point Line.rotateIn(Point point, double angle)
          Rotate point around this line, store the result in point and return the results.
 void Point.rotation(Vector v, double alpha, Point p)
          rotates (clockwise) the point around the line through the point p with the direction unit vector v.
 void LineSegment.setA(Point a)
          Change the first point spanning the segment.
 void LineSegment.setB(Point b)
          Change the second point spanning the segment.
static Sphere ApolloniusSolver.solveApollonius(Point[] centers, double[] radii, int[] s)
 Point Point.subtractThis(Point p)
 Vector Point.vectorTo(Point p)
          Get the vector that points from this point to p

Constructors in ProGAL.geom3d with parameters of type Point
Circle(Point center, double radius, Vector normal)
Circle(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2)
          Circle in the plane through p0, p1, p2
Circle(Point center, Point through, Vector normal)
          A circle with given center through a given point and with specified normal vector
Line(Point p1, Point p2)
          Constructs a line through the two specified points.
Line(Point p, Vector d)
          Constructs a line through p with direction d.
LineSegment(Point a, Point b)
          Constructs a segment between points a and b.
LineSegment(Point a, Vector v)
          Constructs a segment from a to a+v.
ParametricPlane(Point p, Vector normal)
          Construct a parametric plane with the specified point and normal.
ParametricPlane(Point p, Vector v1, Vector v2)
          8 + 31 = 39HOps
Plane(Point p, Point q, Point r)
          Constructs a plane through three points using the first point as defining point.
Plane(Point p, Vector n)
          Constructs a plane with the normal vector n containing point p.
Point(Point p)
          Construct a point that is a clone of p.
PointList(Point[] elements)
          Construc a point-list from an array of points.
Rectangle(Point center, Vector[] bases)
Triangle(Point[] p)
Triangle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
          Construct a triangle using the three specified points as corners
Vector(Point p)
          Construct a vector pointing from origo to p.
Vector(Point p1, Point p2)
          Constructs a vector between two points p1 and p2 - added by pawel 12-11-2011

Constructor parameters in ProGAL.geom3d with type arguments of type Point
PointList(java.util.Collection<Point> points)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.complex

Subclasses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.complex
 class CVertex

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.complex with parameters of type Point
 boolean CEdge.containsPoint(Point p)

Constructors in ProGAL.geom3d.complex with parameters of type Point
CVertex(Point p)
CVertex(Point p, boolean bigpoint)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex

Constructor parameters in ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex with type arguments of type Point
AlphaComplex(java.util.List<Point> pl, double alpha)
          Build the alpha-complex of the specified point-list.
AlphaFiltration(java.util.List<Point> pl)
          Build the alpha-filtration of the specified point-list.
VoidTree(java.util.List<Point> points, double interval)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.complex.delaunayComplex

Constructor parameters in ProGAL.geom3d.complex.delaunayComplex with type arguments of type Point
DelaunayComplex(java.util.List<Point> points)
          Builds the Delaunay complex of the specified point-set
DelaunayComplexRotation(java.util.List<Point> points)
RegularComplex(java.util.List<Point> points)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.complex.tessellation

Constructor parameters in ProGAL.geom3d.complex.tessellation with type arguments of type Point
DelaunayTessellation(java.util.List<Point> points)
          Builds the Delaunay complex of the specified point-set

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.predicates

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.predicates with parameters of type Point
abstract  double Predicates.circumradius(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2)
 double InexactRegularJavaPredicates.circumradius(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2)
 double InexactJavaPredicates.circumradius(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2)
 double ExactNativePredicates.circumradius(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2)
 double ExactJavaPredicates.circumradius(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2)
abstract  double Predicates.circumradius(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
 double InexactRegularJavaPredicates.circumradius(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
 double InexactJavaPredicates.circumradius(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
 double ExactNativePredicates.circumradius(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
 double ExactJavaPredicates.circumradius(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
abstract  Predicates.PlaneConfig Predicates.diffsides(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q0, Point q1)
 Predicates.PlaneConfig InexactRegularJavaPredicates.diffsides(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q0, Point q1)
 Predicates.PlaneConfig InexactJavaPredicates.diffsides(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q0, Point q1)
 Predicates.PlaneConfig ExactNativePredicates.diffsides(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q0, Point q1)
 Predicates.PlaneConfig ExactJavaPredicates.diffsides(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q0, Point q1)
abstract  Predicates.SphereConfig Predicates.edgeinsphere(LineSegment e, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactRegularJavaPredicates.edgeinsphere(LineSegment e, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactJavaPredicates.edgeinsphere(LineSegment e, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactNativePredicates.edgeinsphere(LineSegment ls, Point q)
          TODO: This isnt exact
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactJavaPredicates.edgeinsphere(LineSegment ls, Point q)
          TODO: This isnt exact
abstract  boolean Predicates.inplane(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
 boolean InexactRegularJavaPredicates.inplane(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
 boolean InexactJavaPredicates.inplane(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
 boolean ExactNativePredicates.inplane(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
 boolean ExactJavaPredicates.inplane(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
abstract  Predicates.SphereConfig Predicates.insphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactRegularJavaPredicates.insphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactJavaPredicates.insphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactNativePredicates.insphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactJavaPredicates.insphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q)
abstract  Predicates.SphereConfig Predicates.insphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactRegularJavaPredicates.insphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactJavaPredicates.insphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactNativePredicates.insphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactJavaPredicates.insphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point q)
abstract  Predicates.SphereConfig Predicates.insphere(Tetrahedron t, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactRegularJavaPredicates.insphere(Tetrahedron t, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactJavaPredicates.insphere(Tetrahedron t, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactNativePredicates.insphere(Tetrahedron t, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactJavaPredicates.insphere(Tetrahedron t, Point q)
abstract  Predicates.SphereConfig Predicates.insphere(Triangle tri, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactRegularJavaPredicates.insphere(Triangle tri, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactJavaPredicates.insphere(Triangle tri, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactNativePredicates.insphere(Triangle tri, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactJavaPredicates.insphere(Triangle tri, Point q)
abstract  double Predicates.orient(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q)
 double InexactRegularJavaPredicates.orient(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q)
 double InexactJavaPredicates.orient(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q)
 double ExactNativePredicates.orient(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q)
 double ExactJavaPredicates.orient(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point q)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.superposition

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.superposition that return Point
 Point Transform.transform(Point p)
 Point Transform.transformIn(Point p)

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.superposition that return types with arguments of type Point
 java.util.List<Point> Transform.transform(java.util.List<Point> pl)
 java.util.List<Point> Transform.transformIn(java.util.List<Point> pl)

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.superposition with parameters of type Point
 Point Transform.transform(Point p)
 Point Transform.transformIn(Point p)

Method parameters in ProGAL.geom3d.superposition with type arguments of type Point
static double GDT.getGDT(java.util.List<Point> points1, java.util.List<Point> points2, double cutoff)
static double GDT.getGDT(java.util.List<Point> points1, java.util.List<Point> points2, double cutoff)
static double GDT.getGDT(java.util.List<Point> points1, java.util.List<Point> points2, double cutoff, int method)
static double GDT.getGDT(java.util.List<Point> points1, java.util.List<Point> points2, double cutoff, int method)
static double Superposition.getRMSD(java.util.List<Point> x, java.util.List<Point> y)
static double Superposition.getRMSD(java.util.List<Point> x, java.util.List<Point> y)
static double RMSD.getRMSD(java.util.List<Point> points1, java.util.List<Point> points2)
static double RMSD.getRMSD(java.util.List<Point> points1, java.util.List<Point> points2)
static double FastRMSD.getRMSD(java.util.List<Point> points1, java.util.List<Point> points2)
static double FastRMSD.getRMSD(java.util.List<Point> points1, java.util.List<Point> points2)
static Transform RMSD.optimalSuperposition(java.util.List<Point> points, java.util.List<Point> superposeTo)
static Transform RMSD.optimalSuperposition(java.util.List<Point> points, java.util.List<Point> superposeTo)
static Transform RMSD.optimalSuperposition(java.util.List<Point> points, java.util.List<Point> superposeTo, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices)
static Transform RMSD.optimalSuperposition(java.util.List<Point> points, java.util.List<Point> superposeTo, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices)
 java.util.List<Point> Transform.transform(java.util.List<Point> pl)
 java.util.List<Point> Transform.transformIn(java.util.List<Point> pl)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.surface

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.surface that return Point
 Point ParametricSurface.getCenter()
abstract  Point ParametricSurface.getPoint(double u, double v)
 Point ParametricPlane.getPoint(double u, double v)
 Point ParametricParaboloid.getPoint(double u, double v)
 Point ParametricSurface.getPoint(Point p)
 Point ParametricParaboloid.getPoint(Point par)

Constructors in ProGAL.geom3d.surface with parameters of type Point
ParametricPlane(Point p, Vector[] bases)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.viewer

Fields in ProGAL.geom3d.viewer declared as Point
 Point TextShape.pos

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.viewer that return Point
 Point TextShape.getCenter()
 Point Camera.getLocation()
 Point Camera.getLookingAt()

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.viewer with parameters of type Point
 void J3DScene.addText(java.lang.String t, Point pos)
          Add a text-object at the specified position.
 void J3DScene.addText(java.lang.String t, Point pos, double height)
 void J3DScene.addText(java.lang.String t, Point pos, double height, java.awt.Color c)
 void J3DScene.centerCamera(Point newCenter)
 void Camera.setLocation(Point p)
 void Camera.setLookingAt(Point p)

Constructors in ProGAL.geom3d.viewer with parameters of type Point
TextShape(java.lang.String t, Point p)
TextShape(java.lang.String t, Point p, double height)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes

Fields in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes declared as Point
 Point Cone.p1
 Point Cone.p2

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes that return Point
 Point Tetrahedron.circumCenter()
          Find the center of the circumscribing sphere.
 Point OBB.getAnchor()
 Point Tetrahedron.getCenter()
 Point Sphere.getCenter()
          Get the center
 Point RSS.getCenter()
 Point OBB.getCenter()
 Point LSS.getCenter()
 Point Lens.getCenter()
 Point Cylinder.getCenter()
 Point Cone.getCenter()
 Point Tetrahedron.getCorner(int c)
          Return the specified corner.
 Point[] Tetrahedron.getCorners()
          Return all four corners
 Point[] Sphere.getIntersections(Circle c)
static Point[] Sphere.getIntersections(Sphere s1, Sphere s2, Sphere s3)
          Find the two, one or zero points that is at the intersection of the three sphere shells.
 Point Tetrahedron.getPoint(int c)
          Return the specified corner-point.
 Point Lens.getSphereCenter(int i)
 Point[] OBB.getVertices()
 Point Tetrahedron.incenter()
          Find the center of the inscribed sphere.

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes with parameters of type Point
 boolean Sphere.contains(Point p)
          Returns true if the given point is in the sphere.
 boolean LSS.contains(Point p)
 double Lens.distance(Point p)
 double LSS.distanceToPoint(Point point)
 java.lang.Double Sphere.getIntersectionAngle(Circle c, Point p, Vector dir)
static Sphere Sphere.getMinSphere(Point p1, Point p2)
          Get the smallest sphere through two given points.
static Sphere Sphere.getMinSphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2)
          Get the smallest sphere through three points.
static Sphere Sphere.getMinSphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
          Constructs the sphere through four points.
 boolean Cylinder.inCylinder(Point p)
 boolean Sphere.isEmpty(Point[] points, double eps)
 boolean Tetrahedron.isInside(Point p)
          Returns true if the point p is inside this tetrahedron.
 boolean Sphere.isInside(Point p)
          Returns true if the point is inside this sphere
 boolean Sphere.isInside(Point p, double eps)
 double Sphere.powerDistance(Point p)
          Gets the squared distance of a point from a sphere surface (negative if the point is inside the sphere).
 void OBB.setAnchor(Point pos)
 void Sphere.setCenter(Point center)
 void Sphere.setCenter(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
 void Tetrahedron.setPoint(int c, Point point)
          TODO: Comment
 void Tetrahedron.translate(Point q)

Method parameters in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes with type arguments of type Point
 boolean Sphere.containsNone(java.util.List<Point> points)
          Returns true if none of the given points is in the sphere.
static OBB OBB.createBoxFromBases(Vector[] bases, java.util.List<Point> points)
          Creates a bounding box enclosing the points in points using the supplied bases.

Constructors in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes with parameters of type Point
Cone(Point p1, Point p2, double r)
Cylinder(Point p1, Point p2, double r)
LSS(Point p1, Point p2, double r)
          Construct a capsule using two endpoints (center of hemispheres) and a radius (used both for hemispheres and cylinder shape).
OBB(Point anchor, Vector[] bases, double[] extents)
OBB(Point anchor, Vector xdir, Vector ydir, Vector zdir)
RSS(Point center, Vector[] bases, double radius)
Sphere(Point[] points)
Sphere(Point center, double radius)
          Constructs a sphere with the specified center and the specified radius.
Sphere(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
Tetrahedron(Point[] corners)
Tetrahedron(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.math

Methods in ProGAL.math that return Point
 Point Matrix.multiply(Point p)

Methods in ProGAL.math with parameters of type Point
 Point Matrix.multiply(Point p)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.proteins

Fields in ProGAL.proteins declared as Point
 Point PDBFile.AtomRecord.coords

Fields in ProGAL.proteins with type parameters of type Point
 java.util.LinkedList<Point> PDBFile.AtomRecord.alternativeCoords

Methods in ProGAL.proteins that return types with arguments of type Point
 java.util.List<Point> PDBFile.getAtomCoords()
          Returns all atom-coordinates in the first chain in the first model.
 java.util.List<Point> PDBFile.getAtomCoords(int modelNum, int chainNum)
          Returns all atom-coordinates of the specified model and chain.
 java.util.List<Point> PDBFile.getAtomCoords(java.lang.String atomTypes)
          Returns the coordinates of the specified atom types.
 java.util.List<Point> PDBFile.getCACoords()
          Returns the CA-coordinates of atoms in the first chain in the first model.
 java.util.List<Point> PDBFile.getCACoords(int modelNum, int chainNum)
          Returns the CA-coordinates of the specified model and chain.

Methods in ProGAL.proteins with parameters of type Point
 PDBFile.AtomRecord ProteinComplex.getAtom(Point p)
 char ProteinComplex.getAtomType(Point p)
 CVertex ProteinComplex.getVertex(Point p)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure that return Point
 Point CanonicalSheet.strandCenter(int strand)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure.sheet

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure.sheet that return Point
 Point SurfaceSheetStructure.getAtomPosition(int res, int atom)
          Return the specified atom-position.
abstract  Point ParametricSurface.getPoint(double u, double v)
 Point ParametricSurface.getPoint(Point p)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.proteins.chainTree

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.chainTree that return Point
 Point[] ChainTree.getAllBackboneAtoms()
          Collect all backbone atoms using the leaves only.
 Point ChainTree.getBackboneAtom(int res, int atom)
          Return the position of a specific backbone atom.

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.chainTree with parameters of type Point
 double ChainTree.closeCCD(Point[] target, int iterations)
          Perform cyclic coordinate descent on this chain so the positions of the end-atoms overlap with those specified in the target-array.

Uses of Point in ProGAL.proteins.structure

Subclasses of Point in ProGAL.proteins.structure
 class Atom
          A class to represent the following properties of an atom: Position Van der waals radius covalent bonds name an id unique to this atom among all the atoms within the same amino acid a pointer to the residue that the atom belongs to The position is maintained in the super-class Point.

Uses of Point in ProGAL.proteins.viewer

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.viewer that return Point
 Point StrandSurface.getCenter()
 Point HelixSurface.getCenter()
 Point CoilSurface.getCenter()
 Point StrandSurface.getPoint(double u, double v)
 Point HelixSurface.getPoint(double u, double v)
 Point CoilSurface.getPoint(double u, double v)