Package ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex

An alpha complex for a set of d-dimensional points and a real number alpha is a subset of the Delaunay complex where all simplices that can be enclosed by an alpha-probe (a hypersphere of radius alpha), without the probe enclosing any points, are removed.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
AlphaComplex An alpha complex for a set of d-dimensional points and a real number alpha is a subset of the Delaunay complex where all simplices that can be enclosed by an alpha-probe (a hypersphere of radius alpha), without the probe enclosing any points, are removed.
AlphaFiltration An alpha complex for a set of d-dimensional points and a real number alpha is a subset of the Delaunay complex where all simplices that can be enclosed by an alpha-probe (a hypersphere of radius alpha), without the probe enclosing any points, are removed.
DisjointSet A class for maintaining disjoint sets using union-by-rank and path-compression.
UnionFind<E> UnionFind is a datastructure for performing unification and lookup operations.

Package ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex Description

An alpha complex for a set of d-dimensional points and a real number alpha is a subset of the Delaunay complex where all simplices that can be enclosed by an alpha-probe (a hypersphere of radius alpha), without the probe enclosing any points, are removed.

This package contains classes that are related to building and representing three-dimensional alpha complexes.