Science Meets Art

SWAT 2004

9th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory

8–10 July, 2004

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark

SWAT vikings
Accepted papers
Best student paper
Call for papers
Conference shop
Invited speakers
Press release
Related events
Scientific program
Social program
Tourist info


Participant category Registration fee
before 4 May
Registration fee
after 4 May
Normal participants 2750 DKK 3200 DKK
Graduate and Ph.D. students 1750 DKK 2100 DKK
To get the student fee you should ask your supervisor to confirm your student status; the confirmation should be send to and must be received by us no later than 48 hours after your registration.

The registration to the conference takes place as follows:

  1. Go to our conference shop and insert the products (e.g. registration fee, accommodation) you are interested in into your basket.
  2. Confirm your order and pay the products in your basket using a credit card. Payments with the following cards will be accepted: Dankort, Eurocard/MasterCard, JCB, Visa, Visa/Dankort, and Visa Electron. Be aware that the credit card charges will be added to all prices (5.75% for international cards, 1.25% for Danish cards, and 0.10% for Dankort or Visa/Dankort).
  3. After receiving your order, we will send you a confirmation by e-mail, send another confirmation when we have charged your credit card (which is done manually), and give you a receipt among the other conference material when you are here.

The conference shop is hosted by Less is more ApS, and all money transactions are handled by PBS A/S and its partners.

If any exception handling is necessary, please report the problem to Last modified: 01.12.2004