Uses of Interface

Packages that use PDBFile.PDBRecord

Uses of PDBFile.PDBRecord in ProGAL.proteins

Classes in ProGAL.proteins that implement PDBFile.PDBRecord
static class PDBFile.AnisouRecord
static class PDBFile.AtomRecord
static class PDBFile.EndModelRecord
static class PDBFile.HelixRecord
static class PDBFile.HetatmRecord
static class PDBFile.ModelRecord
static class PDBFile.OtherRecord
static class PDBFile.ParentRecord
static class PDBFile.RemarkRecord
static class PDBFile.SheetRecord
static class PDBFile.TerRecord

Methods in ProGAL.proteins that return types with arguments of type PDBFile.PDBRecord
 java.util.List<PDBFile.PDBRecord> PDBFile.getRecords()
          Returns all records of the specified model and chain.