Uses of Class

Packages that use Matrix
ProGAL.geomNd This package contains classes that are all related to Euclidean geometric concepts of dimension larger than three. 
ProGAL.math This package contains math-classes that are not necessarily related to geometrical concepts. 

Uses of Matrix in ProGAL.geom3d.superposition

Constructors in ProGAL.geom3d.superposition with parameters of type Matrix
Transform(Matrix rotation, Vector translation)
Transform(Matrix rotation, Vector preTranslation, Vector postTranslation)

Uses of Matrix in ProGAL.geom3d.surface

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.surface that return Matrix
 Matrix ParametricParaboloid.getRotation()

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.surface with parameters of type Matrix
 void ParametricParaboloid.setRotation(Matrix rot)

Uses of Matrix in ProGAL.geomNd

Methods in ProGAL.geomNd that return Matrix
 Matrix PointList.getCovariance()
          Get the covariance of the points.
 Matrix Vector.outerProduct(Vector v)

Uses of Matrix in ProGAL.math

Subclasses of Matrix in ProGAL.math
static class Matrix.ImmutableMatrix
 class Matrix3x3

Methods in ProGAL.math that return Matrix
 Matrix Matrix.add(Matrix m)
          Add the components of two matrices.
 Matrix Matrix.addThis(Matrix m)
          Add the components of two matrices.
 Matrix Matrix.ImmutableMatrix.addThis(Matrix m)
 Matrix Matrix.clone()
          Returns a clone of this matrix.
static Matrix Matrix.create4x4ColumnMatrix(Vector v1, Vector v2, Vector v3, Vector v4)
static Matrix Matrix.createIdentityMatrix(int n)
static Matrix Matrix.createRandomMatrix(int n)
static Matrix Matrix.createRotationMatrix(double angle, Vector v)
 Matrix Matrix.expand()
          extends to the smallest power of 2 square matrix by adding appropriate zero rows and columns
 Matrix Matrix.extend()
          extends to the smallest square matrix by adding appropriate zero rows or columns
 Matrix Matrix.EigenvalueDecomposition.getD()
          Return the block diagonal eigenvalue matrix.
 Matrix LUDecomposition.getL()
          Return lower triangular factor
 Matrix SingularValueDecomposition.getS()
          Return the diagonal matrix of singular values
 Matrix Matrix.getSubmatrix(int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2)
 Matrix Matrix.getTranspose()
          Get the transpose of this matrix
 Matrix SingularValueDecomposition.getU()
          Return the left singular vectors
 Matrix LUDecomposition.getU()
          Return upper triangular factor
 Matrix SingularValueDecomposition.getV()
          Return the right singular vectors.
 Matrix Matrix.EigenvalueDecomposition.getV()
          Return the eigenvector matrix (immutable).
 Matrix Matrix.invert()
          Return the inverse of this matrix.
 Matrix Matrix3x3.invertThis()
          Invert this matrix (overwrites this and returns it).
 Matrix Matrix.invertThis()
          Invert this matrix (overwrites this and returns it).
 Matrix Matrix.ImmutableMatrix.invertThis()
 Matrix Matrix.minor(int r, int c)
          Return the minor, i.e.
 Matrix Matrix.multiply_Strassen(Matrix B)
 Matrix Matrix.multiply(double scalar)
          Multiply the components of this matrix by a scalar.
 Matrix Matrix.multiply(Matrix m)
          Multiply this matrix to another matrix and return the result.
 Matrix Matrix.multiplyThis(double scalar)
          Multiply the components of this matrix by a scalar.
 Matrix Matrix.ImmutableMatrix.multiplyThis(double s)
 Matrix Matrix.multiplyThis(Matrix m)
          Multiply this matrix to another matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.ImmutableMatrix.multiplyThis(Matrix m)
 Matrix Matrix.orthonormalizeThis()
          Run Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization procedure.
 Matrix Matrix.reduce()
          Reduce this matrix to row canonical form (reduced row echelon form).
 Matrix Matrix.reduceThis()
          Reduce this matrix to row canonical form (reduced row echelon form).
 Matrix LUDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
          Solve A*X = B
 Matrix Matrix.subtract(Matrix m)
          Subtract the components of two matrices.
 Matrix Matrix.subtractThis(Matrix m)
          Subtract the components of two matrices.
 Matrix Matrix.transpose()
          Get the transpose of this matrix

Methods in ProGAL.math with parameters of type Matrix
 Matrix Matrix.add(Matrix m)
          Add the components of two matrices.
 Matrix Matrix.addThis(Matrix m)
          Add the components of two matrices.
 Matrix Matrix.ImmutableMatrix.addThis(Matrix m)
 boolean Matrix.equals(Matrix m)
 Matrix Matrix.multiply_Strassen(Matrix B)
 Matrix Matrix.multiply(Matrix m)
          Multiply this matrix to another matrix and return the result.
 Matrix Matrix.multiplyThis(Matrix m)
          Multiply this matrix to another matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.ImmutableMatrix.multiplyThis(Matrix m)
 void Matrix.setSubmatrix(int i1, int j1, Matrix M)
 Matrix LUDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
          Solve A*X = B
 Matrix Matrix.subtract(Matrix m)
          Subtract the components of two matrices.
 Matrix Matrix.subtractThis(Matrix m)
          Subtract the components of two matrices.

Constructors in ProGAL.math with parameters of type Matrix
LUDecomposition(Matrix A)
          LU Decomposition
SingularValueDecomposition(Matrix Arg)
          Construct the singular value decomposition

Uses of Matrix in ProGAL.proteins.belta

Fields in ProGAL.proteins.belta declared as Matrix
 Matrix BetaTopology.pairingMatrix
          The pairing matrix that indicates which strands are paired.

Uses of Matrix in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure.loop

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure.loop with parameters of type Matrix
 void LoopStructure.setFirstTransform(Matrix m)

Uses of Matrix in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure.sheet

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure.sheet that return Matrix
 Matrix SurfaceSheetStructure.getLoopTransform(SecondaryStructure.SSSegment seg)

Uses of Matrix in ProGAL.proteins.chainTree

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.chainTree with parameters of type Matrix
 void ChainTree.setFirstTransformation(Matrix m)
          Change the orientation and translation of the entire chain.