Uses of Class

Packages that use Point
ProGAL.geom2d This package contains classes that are all related to two-dimensional geometric concepts. 
ProGAL.geom3d This package contains classes that are all related to three-dimensional geometric concepts. 
ProGAL.geom3d.complex A simplicial complex is a topological space of a particular kind, constructed by "gluing together" points, line segments, triangles, and their n-dimensional counterparts. 
ProGAL.geomNd This package contains classes that are all related to Euclidean geometric concepts of dimension larger than three. 
ProGAL.math This package contains math-classes that are not necessarily related to geometrical concepts. 

Uses of Point in ProGAL.dataStructures.rangeSearching

Methods in ProGAL.dataStructures.rangeSearching that return types with arguments of type Point
 java.util.List<Point> RangeSearchDataStructure.query(Point low, Point high)
 java.util.List<Point> LinearRangeSearch.query(Point low, Point high)
 java.util.List<Point> GridMap.query(Point low, Point high)

Methods in ProGAL.dataStructures.rangeSearching with parameters of type Point
 void LinearRangeSearch.addPoint(Point p)
 void GridMap.addPoint(Point p)
 int[] GridMap.cellFromPoint(Point p)
 java.util.List<Point> RangeSearchDataStructure.query(Point low, Point high)
 java.util.List<Point> LinearRangeSearch.query(Point low, Point high)
 java.util.List<Point> GridMap.query(Point low, Point high)

Constructor parameters in ProGAL.dataStructures.rangeSearching with type arguments of type Point
GridMap(double cellSize, java.util.List<Point> points)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.dataStructures.rangeSearching.rangeTree

Fields in ProGAL.dataStructures.rangeSearching.rangeTree declared as Point
 Point RangeTreeAssocValue.point

Methods in ProGAL.dataStructures.rangeSearching.rangeTree that return types with arguments of type Point
 java.util.List<Point> RangeTreeNodeNd.query(double[] low, double[] high)
          Return the points inside the given range.
 java.util.List<Point> RangeTreeNode2d.query(double[] low, double[] high)
          Return the points inside the given range.
 java.util.List<Point> RangeTreeNode1d.query(double[] low, double[] high)
abstract  java.util.List<Point> RangeTreeNode.query(double[] low, double[] high)
          Return the points inside the given range.
 java.util.List<Point> RangeTree.query(double[] low, double[] high)
          Query the range tree given a low and a high value for each dimension.
 java.util.List<Point> RangeTree.query(Point p1, Point p2)
          Query the range given two points.

Methods in ProGAL.dataStructures.rangeSearching.rangeTree with parameters of type Point
 int p1, Point p2)
 java.util.List<Point> RangeTree.query(Point p1, Point p2)
          Query the range given two points.

Constructors in ProGAL.dataStructures.rangeSearching.rangeTree with parameters of type Point
RangeTreeAssocValue(Point point, int leftindex, int rightindex)
          Instanciates an value object in a associated structure.

Constructor parameters in ProGAL.dataStructures.rangeSearching.rangeTree with type arguments of type Point
RangeTree(java.util.List<Point> points)
          Initialize the range tree by presorting according to each dimension.
RangeTreeNode1d(java.util.List<java.util.List<Point>> sortedpoints)
RangeTreeNode2d(java.util.List<java.util.List<Point>> sortedpoints, int dimension)
          Initialize the RangeTreeNode for 2 dimensions.
RangeTreeNodeNd(java.util.List<java.util.List<Point>> sortedpoints, int dimension)
          Initialize the RangeTreeNode for N dimensions.

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom2d

Subclasses of Point in ProGAL.geom2d
 class Point
          A point in (x,y)-space represented using double precision.
 class TriangulationVertex

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d

Subclasses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d
 class PointWeighted

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.complex

Subclasses of Point in ProGAL.geom3d.complex
 class CVertex

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geomNd

Methods in ProGAL.geomNd that return Point
 Point Point.addThis(Vector v)
          Add the specified vector to this point.
 Point Point.clone()
 Point HyperSphere.getCenter()
 Point PointList.getCentroid()
          Get the centroid of the points.
static Point Point.getMidpoint(Point p, Point q)
          Creates the midpoint of two points.
 Point Point.multiplyThis(double s)
          Scale this point by the specified value
 Point Point.set(Point p)
          Set the coordinates to be identical to those in the specified point.
 Point Point.setCoord(Point p)
          Set the coordinates to be identical to those in the specified point.
 Point Vector.toPoint()
          Convert this vector to a point.

Methods in ProGAL.geomNd that return types with arguments of type Point
static java.util.List<Point> PointList.generatePointsInCube(int n, int d)

Methods in ProGAL.geomNd with parameters of type Point
 boolean PointList.add(Point p)
static boolean Point.collinear(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
 double Point.distance(Point p)
          Returns distance to the point p
 double Point.distanceSquared(Point p)
          Returns squared distance to the point p
 double p)
static double Point.getAngle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
static Point Point.getMidpoint(Point p, Point q)
          Creates the midpoint of two points.
 Point Point.set(Point p)
          Set the coordinates to be identical to those in the specified point.
 void HyperSphere.setCenter(Point p)
 Point Point.setCoord(Point p)
          Set the coordinates to be identical to those in the specified point.
 Vector Point.vectorTo(Point p1)

Constructors in ProGAL.geomNd with parameters of type Point
HyperSphere(Point center, double radius)
Point(Point p)
PointList(Point[] elements)
          Construc a point-list from an array of points.
Vector(Point p)
          Construct a vector pointing from origo to p.
Vector(Point p1, Point p2)
          Constructs a vector between two points p1 and p2 - added by pawel 12-11-2011

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geomNd.complex

Subclasses of Point in ProGAL.geomNd.complex
 class Vertex

Methods in ProGAL.geomNd.complex that return Point
 Point Tessel.getPoint(int i)

Constructors in ProGAL.geomNd.complex with parameters of type Point
Vertex(Point p)
Vertex(Point p, boolean bigpoint)

Uses of Point in ProGAL.geomNd.complex.delaunayComplex

Methods in ProGAL.geomNd.complex.delaunayComplex with parameters of type Point
static boolean BowyerWatson.inSphere(Tessel t, Point p)
          Return true if and only if the point p is inside or on the boundary of the circumsphere of t

Method parameters in ProGAL.geomNd.complex.delaunayComplex with type arguments of type Point
static java.util.List<Tessel> BowyerWatson.createAndDrawDelaunay(java.util.List<Point> points)
          Convenient static method for creating delaunay tessellation of a point-set and if its 2D or 3D also displaying it.
static java.util.List<Tessel> BowyerWatson.createDelaunay(java.util.List<Point> points)
          Convenient static method for creating delaunay tessellation of a point-set

Constructor parameters in ProGAL.geomNd.complex.delaunayComplex with type arguments of type Point
BowyerWatson(java.util.List<Point> points)
          Builds the Delaunay complex of the specified point-set using Bowyer-Watson algorithm

Uses of Point in ProGAL.math

Methods in ProGAL.math that return Point
 Point Matrix.multiply(Point p)
          Apply this matrix to the point p and return the result (this will NOT change p).
 Point Matrix.multiplyIn(Point p)
          Apply this matrix to the point p and return the result (this will change p).

Methods in ProGAL.math with parameters of type Point
 Point Matrix.multiply(Point p)
          Apply this matrix to the point p and return the result (this will NOT change p).
 Point Matrix.multiplyIn(Point p)
          Apply this matrix to the point p and return the result (this will change p).

Uses of Point in ProGAL.proteins.structure

Subclasses of Point in ProGAL.proteins.structure
 class Atom
          A class to represent the following properties of an atom: Position Van der waals radius covalent bonds name an id unique to this atom among all the atoms within the same amino acid a pointer to the residue that the atom belongs to The position is maintained in the super-class Point.