Uses of Class

Packages that use Triangle
ProGAL.geom3d This package contains classes that are all related to three-dimensional geometric concepts. 
ProGAL.geom3d.complex A simplicial complex is a topological space of a particular kind, constructed by "gluing together" points, line segments, triangles, and their n-dimensional counterparts. 
ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex An alpha complex for a set of d-dimensional points and a real number alpha is a subset of the Delaunay complex where all simplices that can be enclosed by an alpha-probe (a hypersphere of radius alpha), without the probe enclosing any points, are removed. 

Uses of Triangle in ProGAL.geom3d

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d that return Triangle
 Triangle Triangle.clone()

Uses of Triangle in ProGAL.geom3d.complex

Subclasses of Triangle in ProGAL.geom3d.complex
 class CTriangle

Uses of Triangle in ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex that return types with arguments of type Triangle
 java.util.List<Triangle> AlphaFiltration.getSurfaceTriangles(double alpha)
          Returns triangles in one tetrahedron only

Uses of Triangle in ProGAL.geom3d.predicates

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.predicates with parameters of type Triangle
abstract  double Predicates.circumradius(Triangle t)
 double InexactRegularJavaPredicates.circumradius(Triangle t)
 double InexactJavaPredicates.circumradius(Triangle t)
 double ExactNativePredicates.circumradius(Triangle tri)
 double ExactJavaPredicates.circumradius(Triangle tri)
abstract  Predicates.SphereConfig Predicates.insphere(Triangle tri, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactRegularJavaPredicates.insphere(Triangle tri, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig InexactJavaPredicates.insphere(Triangle tri, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactNativePredicates.insphere(Triangle tri, Point q)
 Predicates.SphereConfig ExactJavaPredicates.insphere(Triangle tri, Point q)

Uses of Triangle in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes that return Triangle
 Triangle Tetrahedron.getCommonTriangle(Tetrahedron t)
          Return common triangle of 2 tetrahedra