Uses of Class

Packages that use PointList
ProGAL.geom3d This package contains classes that are all related to three-dimensional geometric concepts. 
ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex An alpha complex for a set of d-dimensional points and a real number alpha is a subset of the Delaunay complex where all simplices that can be enclosed by an alpha-probe (a hypersphere of radius alpha), without the probe enclosing any points, are removed. 

Uses of PointList in ProGAL.geom3d

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d that return PointList
 PointList PointList.clone()
          Get a shallow copy of this list.
static PointList PointList.generatePointsInCube(int n)
          Construct a point-list containing n uniformly distributed random points in the unit cube.
static PointList PointList.generatePointsInCube(int n, double xL, double xH, double yL, double yH, double zL, double zH)
static PointList PointList.generatePointsOnSphere(int n)
          Construct a point-list of n evenly distributed points (not random) on the unit sphere.
static PointList PointList.generateRandomPointsOnSphere(int n)
          Construct a point-list of n uniformly distributed random points on the unit sphere.
 PointList PointList.getRandomPermutation()
          Returns a new point-list containing all the elements in random order.
 PointList PointList.getSubList(int from, int to)
          Returns a sub-list of elements from (including) from to (not including) to.

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d with parameters of type PointList
 double Line.getMaxDistance(PointList points)
          Gets the largest distance from the points to the line.
 double Line.getMaxDistanceSquared(PointList points)
          Gets the largest squared distance from the points to the line.
 LineSegment Line.orthogonalProjection(PointList points)
          Returns the smallest segment that contains all orthogonol projections of a point set onto this line.
 double[] Line.orthogonalProjectionParameters(PointList points)
          Returns the line-parameters of the end-points of the smallest segment that contains all orthogonol projections of a point set onto this line.

Uses of PointList in ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex

Subclasses of PointList in ProGAL.geom3d.complex.alphaComplex
 class EiffelPointList

Uses of PointList in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes that return PointList
 PointList Sphere.generatePointsOnSphere(int n)
          TODO: Comment, move up and test
 PointList Sphere.generateRandomPointsOnSphere(int n)
          TODO: Comment, move up and test

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes with parameters of type PointList
 Cylinder InfCylinder.capWithDiscs(PointList enclosedPoints)
 LSS InfCylinder.capWithHalfSpheres(PointList enclosedPoints)
static OBB OBB.createBoundingBox_Covariance(PointList points)
static Cylinder Cylinder.createBoundingCylinder_CovarianceFit(PointList points)
static LSS LSS.createBoundingLSS_covariance(PointList points)
static LSS LSS.createBoundingLSS(PointList points)
static RSS RSS.createBoundingRSS_covariance(PointList points)
static InfCylinder InfCylinder.createMinRadCylinderFromDirection(PointList points, Vector dir)
          Assumes dir is normalized
static Sphere Sphere.getMinSphere(PointList points)
          Gets the smallest sphere containing a set of points.