Uses of Class

Packages that use PDBFile

Uses of PDBFile in ProGAL.proteins

Fields in ProGAL.proteins declared as PDBFile
 PDBFile ProteinComplex.pdbFile

Methods in ProGAL.proteins that return PDBFile
static PDBFile PDBFile.downloadPDBFile(java.lang.String pdbId)
          Read a PDB-file from

Methods in ProGAL.proteins with parameters of type PDBFile
 double PDBFile.superposeOnto(PDBFile f)

Constructors in ProGAL.proteins with parameters of type PDBFile
ProteinComplex(PDBFile f)
ProteinComplex(PDBFile f, double waterRad)

Uses of PDBFile in ProGAL.proteins.belta

Subclasses of PDBFile in ProGAL.proteins.belta
 class PDBFile
          Quick note: One important feature of this extension of the normal PDBFile is that all indices are shifted so they are consecutive, which is required for betatopologies and secondary structures to make sense and not crash.

Uses of PDBFile in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure with parameters of type PDBFile
static CanonicalSheet CanonicalSheet.createFromPDB(PDBFile pdbFile, SheetTopology st)