Uses of Class

Packages that use PrimaryStructure

Uses of PrimaryStructure in ProGAL.proteins.belta

Fields in ProGAL.proteins.belta declared as PrimaryStructure
 PrimaryStructure SecondaryStructure.primaryStructure
          The primary structure related to this secondary structure.

Constructors in ProGAL.proteins.belta with parameters of type PrimaryStructure
SecondaryStructure(PrimaryStructure ps, java.lang.String ssString)
          Construct a secondary structure object from a string representation.

Uses of PrimaryStructure in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure.sheetLoop

Fields in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure.sheetLoop declared as PrimaryStructure
 PrimaryStructure SheetLoopStructure.primaryStructure

Uses of PrimaryStructure in ProGAL.proteins.chainTree

Constructors in ProGAL.proteins.chainTree with parameters of type PrimaryStructure
ChainTree(PrimaryStructure ps)
          Construct a chain tree representing the structure of the specified sequence.
ChainTree(PrimaryStructure ps, int firstRes, int lastRes)
          Construct a chain tree representing the structure of the residues in the specified interval.