Interface Volume

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Cone, CTetrahedron, Cylinder, Lens, LSS, OBB, RSS, Sphere, Tetr, Tetrahedron

public interface Volume
extends Shape

An interface for 3d volumes such as spheres and boxes. Implementing classes should consider a volume as all points within and on the boundary of the volume. This implies, for instance, that two spheres overlap when the distance between their center-points is equal to or less than their combined radii. If only the shell should be considered use the VolumeShell3d interface.

Method Summary
 Volume clone()
          Make a deep clone this volume.
 double getVolume()
          Get the volume.
 boolean overlaps(Volume vol)
          Determine if this volume overlaps vol.
Methods inherited from interface ProGAL.geom3d.Shape

Method Detail


boolean overlaps(Volume vol)
Determine if this volume overlaps vol. Two volumes overlap if their surfaces touch or if the union of interiors is non-empty.


double getVolume()
Get the volume.


Volume clone()
Make a deep clone this volume.