Uses of Class

Packages that use Vector
ProGAL.geom3d This package contains classes that are all related to three-dimensional geometric concepts. 
ProGAL.geom3d.viewer All classes required for the 3D scene viewer J3DScene
ProGAL.math This package contains math-classes that are not necessarily related to geometrical concepts. 

Uses of Vector in ProGAL.geom3d

Subclasses of Vector in ProGAL.geom3d
static class Vector.ImmutableVector3d
          A wrapper class for Vector3d which makes the vector immutable.

Fields in ProGAL.geom3d declared as Vector
 Vector[] Rectangle.bases
 Vector ParametricPlane.n
 Vector ParametricPlane.v1
 Vector ParametricPlane.v2
static Vector Vector.X
          An immutable vector pointing in the (1,0,0)-direction.
static Vector Vector.Y
          An immutable vector pointing in the (0,1,0)-direction.
static Vector Vector.Z
          An immutable vector pointing in the (0,0,1)-direction.

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d that return Vector
 Vector Vector.add(Point p)
          Add p to this vector and return the result (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.add(Vector v)
          Add v to this vector and return the result (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.addThis(Point p)
          Add p to this vector and return the result (changing this object).
 Vector Vector.addThis(Vector v)
          Add v to this vector and return the result (changing this object).
 Vector Vector.ImmutableVector3d.addThis(Vector v)
 Vector Vector.clone()
          Create a clone of this vector.
 Vector Vector.cross(Vector v)
          Get the cross-product of this vector and v (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.crossThis(Vector v)
          Get the cross-product of this vector and v and store the result in this vector (changes this object).
 Vector Vector.ImmutableVector3d.crossThis(Vector v)
 Vector Vector.divide(double s)
          Divide this vector by s and return the result (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.divideThis(double s)
          Divide this vector by s and return the result (changing this object).
 Vector LineSegment.getAToB()
          Get the direction of the segment.
 Vector Line.getDir()
          Returns the direction vector defining this line.
 Vector Triangle.getNormal()
          Return a vector that is normal to this triangle.
 Vector Plane.getNormal()
          Return the normal defining this plane.
 Vector Circle.getNormal()
 Vector Circle.getNormalVector()
          Get the normal of the circle.
 Vector Vector.getOrthonormal()
          Get a vector (one of many possible) orthonormal to vector v.
 Vector Vector.multiply(double s)
          Multiply this vector by s and return the result (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.multiplyThis(double s)
          Multiply this vector by s and return the result (changing this object).
 Vector Vector.ImmutableVector3d.multiplyThis(double s)
 Vector Vector.normalize()
          Normalize this vector and return the result (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.normalizeFast()
 Vector Vector.normalizeThis()
          Normalize this vector and return the result (changing this object).
 Vector Vector.ImmutableVector3d.normalizeThis()
 Vector Vector.normalizeThisFast()
 Vector Vector.rotateIn(Vector v, double angle)
          Perform a right-handed rotation of v around this vector.
 Vector Vector.scaleToLength(double length)
          Scale this vector to a certain length (returns new object and does not change this object).
 Vector Vector.scaleToLengthThis(double length)
          Scale this vector to a certain length (changes this object).
 Vector Vector.ImmutableVector3d.scaleToLengthThis(double length)
 Vector Vector.subtract(Vector v)
          Subtract v from this vector and return the result (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.subtractThis(Vector v)
          Subract v from this vector and return the result (changing this object).
 Vector Point.toVector()
          Returns the vector from origo to this point.
 Vector Point.vectorTo(Point p)
          Get the vector that points from this point to p

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d with parameters of type Vector
 Vector Vector.add(Vector v)
          Add v to this vector and return the result (without changing this object).
 Point Point.add(Vector p)
          Returns p added to this (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.addThis(Vector v)
          Add v to this vector and return the result (changing this object).
 Vector Vector.ImmutableVector3d.addThis(Vector v)
 Point Point.addThis(Vector p)
          Returns p added to this (changing this object).
 double Vector.angle(Vector v)
          Get the angle between this vector and v.
 Vector Vector.cross(Vector v)
          Get the cross-product of this vector and v (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.crossThis(Vector v)
          Get the cross-product of this vector and v and store the result in this vector (changes this object).
 Vector Vector.ImmutableVector3d.crossThis(Vector v)
 double v)
          Get the dot-product of this vector and v.
 double v)
static double Vector.getAngle(Vector u, Vector v)
          Get the angle between vector u and v.
static double Vector.getCosDihedralAngle(Vector u, Vector v, Vector w)
static double Vector.getDihedralAngle(Vector b1, Vector b2, Vector b3)
          Get the dihedral angle between 3 non-colinear vectors b1, b2, b3.
 Point PointList.getExtreme(Vector direction)
          Get the most extreme point in the direction specified by the vector.
 int PointList.getExtremeIndex(Vector direction)
          Get the most extreme point in the direction specified by the vector.
 java.lang.Double Circle.getFirstIntersection(Circle c, Point p, Vector dir)
          returns the smallest rotation angle (direction determined by vector dir) needed to bring point p on this circle to be on the circle c as well.
 java.lang.Double Circle.getFirstIntersection(Line line, Point p, Vector dir, J3DScene scene)
          returns the smallest rotation angle (direction determined by vector dir) needed to bring point p on this circle to be on the line l as well.
 Point[] Plane.getIntersection(Circle circle, Vector u)
 Point Triangle.getIntersection(Point p, Vector dir)
 java.lang.Double Plane.getIntersectionAngle(Circle circle, Point p, Vector dir, J3DScene scene)
 boolean Vector.isParallel(Vector v)
 boolean Vector.isSteinerAngle(Vector v)
 Vector Vector.rotateIn(Vector v, double angle)
          Perform a right-handed rotation of v around this vector.
 void Point.rotation(Vector v, double alpha)
          rotates (clockwise) the point around the line through the origo with the direction unit vector v.
 void Point.rotation(Vector v, double alpha, Point p)
          rotates (clockwise) the point around the line through the point p with the direction unit vector v.
 void Vector.set(Vector v)
          Set all coordinates of this vector equal to those of v
 void Plane.setNormal(Vector n)
          Set the normal to n.
 Vector Vector.subtract(Vector v)
          Subtract v from this vector and return the result (without changing this object).
 Point Point.subtract(Vector p)
          Returns p subtracted from this (without changing this object).
 Vector Vector.subtractThis(Vector v)
          Subract v from this vector and return the result (changing this object).
 Point Point.subtractThis(Vector p)
          Returns p subtracted from this (changing this object).

Constructors in ProGAL.geom3d with parameters of type Vector
Circle(Point center, double radius, Vector normal)
Circle(Point center, Point through, Vector normal)
          A circle with given center through a given point and with specified normal vector
Line(Point p, Vector d)
          Constructs a line through p with direction d.
Line(Vector d)
          Constructs a line through origo with direction d.
LineSegment(Point a, Vector v)
          Constructs a segment from a to a+v.
ParametricPlane(Point p, Vector normal)
          Construct a parametric plane with the specified point and normal.
ParametricPlane(Point p, Vector v1, Vector v2)
          8 + 31 = 39HOps
Plane(Point p, Vector n)
          Constructs a plane with the normal vector n containing point p.
Plane(Vector n)
          Constructs a plane with the normal vector n containing the point (0,0,0).
Point(Vector v)
          Construct a point at the coordinates of v.
Rectangle(Point center, Vector[] bases)

Uses of Vector in ProGAL.geom3d.superposition

Constructors in ProGAL.geom3d.superposition with parameters of type Vector
Transform(Matrix rotation, Vector translation)
Transform(Matrix rotation, Vector preTranslation, Vector postTranslation)

Uses of Vector in ProGAL.geom3d.surface

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.surface that return Vector
 Vector ParametricParaboloid.getDisplacement()
 Vector ParametricSurface.getNormal(double u, double v)
 Vector ParametricSurface.getNormal(Point p)

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.surface with parameters of type Vector
 void ParametricParaboloid.setDisplacement(Vector v)

Constructors in ProGAL.geom3d.surface with parameters of type Vector
ParametricParaboloid(double a, double b, double c, Vector displacement)
ParametricPlane(Point p, Vector[] bases)

Uses of Vector in ProGAL.geom3d.viewer

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.viewer that return Vector
 Vector Camera.getUp()

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.viewer with parameters of type Vector
 void Camera.setUp(Vector v)

Uses of Vector in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes that return Vector
 Vector[] OBB.getBases()
 Vector OBB.getXDir()
 Vector OBB.getYDir()
 Vector OBB.getZDir()

Methods in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes with parameters of type Vector
static OBB OBB.createBoxFromBases(Vector[] bases, java.util.List<Point> points)
          Creates a bounding box enclosing the points in points using the supplied bases.
static InfCylinder InfCylinder.createMinRadCylinderFromDirection(PointList points, Vector dir)
          Assumes dir is normalized
 java.lang.Double Sphere.getIntersectionAngle(Circle c, Point p, Vector dir)
 void Tetrahedron.translate(Vector v)

Constructors in ProGAL.geom3d.volumes with parameters of type Vector
OBB(Point anchor, Vector[] bases, double[] extents)
OBB(Point anchor, Vector xdir, Vector ydir, Vector zdir)
RSS(Point center, Vector[] bases, double radius)

Uses of Vector in ProGAL.math

Methods in ProGAL.math that return Vector
 Vector Matrix3x3.getColumn(int c)
 Vector[] Matrix3x3.getEigenvectors()
          Get the eigenvectors of a 3x3 matrix sorted by decreasing eigenvalue.
 Vector Matrix3x3.getRow(int r)
 Vector Matrix.multiply(Vector v)
          Apply this matrix to the vector v and return the result (without changing v).

Methods in ProGAL.math with parameters of type Vector
static Matrix Matrix.create4x4ColumnMatrix(Vector v1, Vector v2, Vector v3, Vector v4)
static Matrix3x3 Matrix.createColumnMatrix(Vector v1, Vector v2, Vector v3)
static Matrix Matrix.createRotationMatrix(double angle, Vector v)
static Matrix3x3 Matrix.createRowMatrix(Vector v1, Vector v2, Vector v3)
 Vector Matrix.multiply(Vector v)
          Apply this matrix to the vector v and return the result (without changing v).

Uses of Vector in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure that return Vector
 Vector CanonicalSheet.strandOrientation(int strand)

Uses of Vector in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure.sheet

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.beltaStructure.sheet that return Vector
 Vector ParametricSurface.getNormal(double u, double v)
 Vector ParametricSurface.getNormal(Point p)

Uses of Vector in ProGAL.proteins.viewer

Methods in ProGAL.proteins.viewer that return Vector
 Vector StrandSurface.getNormal(double u, double v)
 Vector HelixSurface.getNormal(double u, double v)
 Vector CoilSurface.getNormal(double u, double v)