Monday, | 19 February 2001, 14.15 - 15.00 in N030 |
Title: Experience from the SunTune seminar | |
Speaker: Christian Boesgaard | |
Monday, | 26 February 2001, 11.15 - 13.00 in N037 |
Title: Optimizing compilers | |
Speaker: Torben Mogensen | |
Monday, | 5 March 2001, 14.15 - 15.00 in N030 |
Title: Moving skulls in real time: Interactive volumetric rendering of medical data | |
Speaker: Jesper Bojesen, UNI-C | |
Monday, | 19 March 2001, 11.15 - 13.00 in N037 |
Oral defense of M.Sc. thesis: Refining the pure-C cost model | |
Defender: Sofus Mortensen | |
Monday, | 19 March 2001, 14.15 - 15.00 in N030 |
Oral presentation: The computational complexity of some problems of linear algebra | |
Speaker: Gudmund S. Frandsen | |
Friday, | 23 March 2001, 15.15 - 17.00 in Auditorium UP1 at DIKU |
Oral defence of M.Sc. thesis: The object model of SQL99---Theory and practise | |
Defender: Rasmus Borch | |
Friday, | 29 June 2001, 10.15 - 12.00 in Auditorium UP1 at DIKU |
Oral defence of M.Sc. thesis: Supporting intellectual work through rendering and review | |
Defender: Lars Yde | |
Monday, | 17 September 2001, 11.15 - 12.00 in Lille auditorium |
Title: CVS---Concurrent Versions System | |
Speaker: Thomas Ammitzbøll-Bach, SuperUsers | |
Monday, | 1 October 2001, 9.15 - 10.00 in Lille auditorium |
Title: Regulære udtryk i grep, egrep, sed, awk, vi, Perl, og JavaScript | |
Speaker: Thomas Ammitzbøll-Bach, SuperUsers | |
Monday, | 08 October 2001, 11.15 - 12.00 in Lille Auditorium at DIKU |
Title: Quick introduction to enterprise application integration and XML | |
Speaker: Christopher Curry, Novozymes A/S | |
Monday, | 29 October 2001, 11.15 - 12.00 in Lille auditorium |
Title: Autoconf, automake og libtool | |
Speaker: Christoffer H.-Frederiksen | |
Monday, | 12 November 2001, 11.15 - 12.00 in Lille auditorium |
Title: XEmacs og Elisp | |
Speaker: Jarl Friis | |
Monday, | 19 November 2001, 11.15 - 12.00 in Lille Auditorium at DIKU |
Title: Quick Introduction to the Unified Modeling Language (UML) | |
Speaker: Christopher Curry |