Jyrki Katajainen: Research management
Former Ph.D. students
Claus Jensen: Improving the efficiency of priority-queue
structures: Using data-structural transformations and number
systems, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
(2012), 6 joint papers
Supervised jointly with Amr Elmasry
Tomi Pasanen, In-place algorithms for sorting problems, Department
of Computer Science, University of Turku (1999), 5 joint papers
Martti Forsell: Implementation of instruction-level and thread-level
parallelism in computers, Department of Computer Science, University
of Joensuu (1997)
Supervised jointly with Martti Penttonen
Research grants
Ph.D. stipend (4 months), Ministry of Education, Finland, 1985
Junior Researcher stipend (3 years), Academy of Finland,
Research grant (2 years) for the project Parallel models of computation and parallel
algorithms; part of the initiative Efficient algorithms and data
structures, Academy of Finland, 1991
Research grant (3 years) for the project Performance
engineering, Danish Natural Science Research Council, 1998
Research grant (3 years) for the project
Practical data structures and algorithms,
Danish Natural Science Research Council, 2002
Research grant (3 years; extended with 2 years) for the project
Generic programming---algorithms and tools,
Danish Research Council for Nature and Universe, 2005
Research leadership
Leader of the project Parallel models of computation and parallel
algorithms funded by the Academy of Finland
(2 years) 1992–1993
Leader of the project Performance engineering funded
by the Danish Natural Science Research Council
(3 years) 1999–2001
Leader of the project Practical data structures and algorithms funded
by the Danish Natural Science Research Council
(3 years) 2003–2005
Leader of the project Generic programming---algorithms and tools funded
by the Danish Research Council for Nature and Universe
(5 years) 2006–2010
Leader of the
Engineering Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of
(20 years) 1999–2019