
Logiweb Help: Crossbrowser Source windows

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The crossbrowser source windows allow to view the actual and reverse engineered source of the current page.

The actual source is the only data provided by the crossbrowser which cannot be deduced from the vector of the page. This is so because the actual source, i.e. the source that was actually sent through the Pyk compiler, may contain comments that were ignored by the compiler.

Hence, one may risk that the actual source is unavailable for a page, either because the actual source is lost or because the page was generated by some other tool than the Pyk compiler.

Reverse engineering is not yet implemented, but is fairly simple. Look up the Pyk face of the body of the page to get the reverse engineered body section of the Pyk source. The body section constitutes most of the source.

Click here to open a sample crossbrowser source menu.

Klaus Grue, GRD-2004-08-11