
Logiweb Help: Crossbrowser body windows

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The crossbrowser body windows allow to view the body of the current page in Pdf, Pyk, or TeX.

The body of a Logiweb page represents the grammatical structure of the page. As an example, the body (plus (two) (plus (x) (three))) represents 2+x+3 where plus, two, x, and three are Logiweb symbols.

The body of a page is the basis for generating the 'faces' of the page, i.e. to display or print the page. Hence, viewing the body of a page is like rendering a html page.

Clicking Pdf allows to view the TeX face of the page provided your browser has support for pdf. Clicking TeX provides the TeX sources used for generating the Pdf. Clicking Pyk provides the pyk face of the page, i.e. a reverse engineered Pyk source for the body (the Pyk compiler provides translation from pyk to body).

Click here to open a sample crossbrowser body menu.

Klaus Grue, GRD-2004-08-11