Teaching at DIKU
As lecturer:
- 2014 - Functional Programming
As teaching assistant:
- 2011 - Advanced Algorithms
- 2011 - Operating Systems and Multiprogramming
- 2010 - Computer Architecture
- 2010 - Algorithms and Data Structures
- 2009 - Functional Programming
- 2008 - Functional Programming
Teaching programming in Danish High-Schools
I'm part of team at DIKU that develops teaching material for High-school students. We are making progress towards a "Rejsehold" — a team of DIKU students travelling to different Danish high-schools and teaching a bit of Computer Science.
The following is work in progress:
- Processing.js Exercises (Danish)
- I'm helping with translating KhanAcademy's Computer Science section to Danish
- Brainstorming for the High-school task-force