Home page for Finn Schiermer Andersen

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Welcome to my homepage!

I have graduated .. and left .. some years ago

My primary interests are:

Major victories

Along with prof. Stig Skelboe I finally kicked out Tanenbaums "Structured Computer Organisation" from the course dat1e, replacing it with Hennessy and Pattersons "Computer Organization and Design".

I invented, built and maintain the SimSys toolset with which our introductory course on Computer (micro)architecture is now tought.

More generally I have worked on numerous parts of this course to promote the quantitative approach to computer architecture.

Major battles lost

I have tried to extend the use of project based teaching here at DIKU, but largely failed. I still have a dream in which students do not all solve the same restricted and closed tasks, but more freely choose what to do. A dream in which the work done by different groups of people may actually be used by other groups, so that reports and programs are not produced solely for the maculator, but are of value to others.
schier@diku.dk, April 16, 1998.