The SimSys Homepage
This is the homepage of SimSys, a C++ based programming framework
for simulating digital logic. It has been used for a couple of years
in the departments introductory course on Computer Architechture.
On its way towards maturity SimSys has now reached version 2.4, which
is the version we will use in the autumn of 99 in the course dat1e
To build and run SimSys you'll need a UNIX compatible (whatever that currently
entails) OS with g++ 2.7.2 or later. SimSys currently runs under HPUX,
and Linux. SimSys is beeing developed and maintained under Linux. I've no
plans of making it usable outside the UNIX world.
SimSys is comprised of a library, an include directory and a set of examples.
Documentation is now available as compressed
postscript. Before trying out SimSys, take a look at the documentation, to get
an idea of its functionality. Then follow the instructions below
If you are going to use SimSys here at DIKU
Do not follow the instructions below. Instead, read about the local
installation (in danish).
Getting the SimSys distribution
The sources for the library, the include directories and the examples
may be downloaded from this page. To install it on your own linux box
you must change the accompanying Makefiles to reflect the position of
the SimSys toplevel catalogue. You must also change the makefiles to
reflect the position of your g++ include files.
Then run 'make depend' followed by 'make fast-inst'.
Visit my homepage.
Finn Schiermer Andersen