Introduction to Compiler Design
Introduction to Compiler Design is a textbook is intended for an
introductory course on compiler design, suitable for use in an
undergraduate programme in computer science or related fields.
The book presents techniques for making realistic, though
non-optimising compilers for simple programming languages using
methods that are close to those used in "real" compilers, albeit
slightly simplified in places for presentation purposes. All phases
required for translating a high-level language to machine language is
covered, including lexing, parsing, intermediate-code generation,
machine-code generation and register allocation. Interpretation is
covered briefly.
The book aims to be neutral with respect to implementation languages,
so algorithms are presented in pseudo-code rather than in any specific
programming language, and suggestions for implementation in several
different language flavours are in many cases given. The techniques
are illustrated with examples and exercises.
The author has taught compiler design at the University of Copenhagen
for over a decade, and the book is based on material used in the
undergraduate compiler design course there.
Additional material for use with this book is available below.
More material will be added later.
Publication details
Introduction to Compiler Design is published by Springer Verlag.
more at Springer Verlag's page.
Lecture slides
With thanks to Jost Berthold and Cosmin Oancea. A few slides
refer to course-specific exercises.
Solutions to selected exercises
There is an overweight of solutions to exercises from Chapters
1--2. This might be remedied later.
Known misprints
- Page 33: It is not true that Flex generates the DFA as program
code. Other lexers
(e.g., Quex), however, do.
- Page 62: In the two lists of set inequalities on the middle of the
page, the subset relations point the wrong way. I.e, replace a total
of 8 occurrences of ⊆ with ⊇.
- Page 63 (near top): The sentence "A grammar that can be parsed
using LL(1) parsing is called an LL(1) grammar" is strictly speaking
wrong, as you do not parse grammers, you parse strings relatively to
a grammar. A more correct formulation is "A grammar where
membership of strings in the language generated by the grammer can
be tested using LL(1) parsing is called an LL(1) grammar".
- Page 70 (near beginning of Section 2.13): The sentence "LR parsers
is a class of bottom-up methods for parsing that accept a much
larger class of grammars than LL(1)" is imprecise, as parsers do not
accept grammers. Instead of "accept", write "can solve the parsing
problem for".
- Fig. 2.28 (page 75): Remove the occurrences of T
and R from the "NFA states" column (states 0, 3 and 4).
- Fig. 6.11 (page 139): Replace two occurrences of vase with
- Page 153 (middle):
Replace "
rs" by "mov
rs" (to be consistent about using "mov
for move instructions).
- Page 156 (exercise 7.2): Change ":= a+blast" to
"a := a+blast".
- Page 166: It is stated that graph colouring is NP-complete, but
this is true only of the decision problem ("Can I do it with N
colours?"), whereas the problem of assigning colours ("Do it with N
colours!") is only proven NP-hard, so it is potentially more complex
than the decision problem.
Torben Mogensen
DIKU, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100
København Ø
Mobile phone: (+45) 21849672 Fax: (+45) 35321401