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- 1
J.H. Conway.
Fractran: A simple universal programming language for arithmetic.
In Open Problems in Communication and Computation, chapter 2,
pages 4-26. Springer-Verlag, 1987.
- 2
M. Davis.
Computability and Unsolvability.
Dover, 1982.
- 3
Franz Faase.
- 4
J. Hartmanis and J.E. Hopcroft.
Independence results in computer science.
SIGACT News, Oct.-Dec.:13-24, 1976.
- 5
N.D. Jones.
Computability and Complexity from a Programming Perspective.
The MIT Press, 1997.
- 6
P. Odifreddi.
Classical Recursion Theory, volume 129 of Studies of Logic
and the Foundations of Mathematics.
North-Holland, 1989.
- 7
H. Rogers Jr.
Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability.
The MIT Press, paperback edition, 1987.
- 8
K. Weihrauch.
Computable Analysis: An Introduction.
Springer, 1998.
Jakob Grue Simonsen