Klaus Hansen
Lektor, cand.scient. (Associate Professor)
- DIKU room
- Phone: +45 35 32 14 47 (local University calls, use 2 14 47)
- Fax: +45 35 32 14 01
- email: khan@diku.dk
- This page: file /vol/www/users/khan/index.html
(version 16, 2005-05-13)
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DIKU activities
Plans for second half og 2005: undergraduate course on Computer Networks
(2. year, "Datanet"); graduate course on robots (with Peter Johansen).
Computer vision:
at the moment segmentation of images, the entropy of images and text and
steganography (information hiding in images).
Still doing work around edge detectors and
the Hough transform (Milk carton with lines).
Other interest are computer networks, distributed systems, computer security
and cryptology, java, and computers and music, and legal aspects.
Publication list
See the Image Group
bibliography, e.g. entries [10],[47],[48],[71],[119],[120], [121],
[135], [136] and [137].
Recent papers:
- Klaus Hansen, Christian Hammer, Jens D. Andersen and
Lars R. Randleff:
Steganographic Capacity of Images, based on Image
Equivalence Classes (ACM Multimedia '01, Workshop on
Multimedia and Security, Ottawa Oct. 5, 2001, ISBN 1-58113-393-6)
The authorized version resides in the ACM document collection, here
is a preprint in PDF
The slides used in the presentation are found in the following three
PDF files: part 1,
part 2 and
part 3.
- Klaus Hansen and Jens Damgaard Andersen:
Some Properties of the Steganographic Capacity of Images Derived
from Watermarking Benchmarks (Proc. 8. DSAGM, DIKU 1999)
(compressed PostScript)
- Klaus Hansen and Jens Damgaard Andersen:
Image steganography using spread spectrum techniques, Proc. SCIA '99
(compressed PostScript)
- J.D. Andersen & K. Hansen: Analysis of Image Structure by
Generalised Co-occurrence Matrices (Proc. SCIA '99)
- Klaus Hansen and Jens Damgaard Andersen:
Understanding the Hough Transform: Hough cell support and its utilisation
(Image and Vision Computing 15 (1997) pp. 205-218
(preprint, PDF).
- Erik Andersen et al. (edited by Klaus Hansen, Per Høgh and Henrik
Heikel Vinther): Kommunikation mellem åbne systemer - OSI lagene 5-7
[DS-håndbog 108, Dansk Standard 1996, ISBN 87-7310-181-8
- Klaus Hansen and Jens Damgaard Andersen: Understanding the Hough
transform: Hough cell support and its utilisation. In Image and Vision
Computing 15 (March 1997), pp. 205-218.
- K.Hansen et al.: Definitioner og eksempler på brug af nogle almindelige
it-ord (6. december 2001,
ordliste and
related index files.
Alternative link
- Tue Bertelsen et al.: EDBLEX
- Klaus Hansen (ed.) et al.: IT-LEX (Ingeniøren|bøger 2001,
2. udg. ISBN 87-571-2041-2, 3. udg. incl. cd-rom ISBN 87-571-2431-0)
- Dansk Standard 2391 (1995): Registrering af numeriske identifikatorer
(coauthor John Tesdorff)
- Klaus Hansen: "Internettet" (Datalærerforeningens Blad "EDB og
undervisning", temanummer september 1995)
Papers (partly outdated) from the VALUE II X.500 project ISI-DK ("minerva"
was the name chosen for a virtual academic X.400 ADMD):
- Danish Pilot X.500 Directory Schema,
ISI-DK document 93-04, in PostScript.
- DK X.400 naming and Routing, part 1,
rules for interaction between X.400 and RFC 822 mail, ISI-DK document
92-02 (outdated), in PostScript.
- DK X.400 naming and Routing, part 2,
rules for interaction between X.400 and RFC 822 mail, ISI-DK document
92-03 (outdated), in PostScript.
- X.400 MTA Quality of Service, quality measure
for X.400 servers, ISI-DK document 3 (May 1993, outdated), in PostScript.
- Tilslutning af ny MTA, guide when
connecting a new MTA to ISI-DK, ISI-DK document 93-06 (outdated), in
A historical agreement about common naming for the four networks in
Denmark (.dk):
The underlying assumption was that organization names directly below .dk
would be allocated to organizations only (not persons), and only to those
who had the rigths to "own" it and the intentions to use it.
Administrative tasks
Member of the Study Board and editor of the documents concerning the coming
reformed Bachelor study (in Danish):
- hoveddokument, PDF, 99 KB
- blokdiagrammer, PDF, 45 KB
- obligatoriske kurser, PDF, 114 KB
- valgfri kurser, PDF, 20 KB
- overgangsordning, PDF, 47 KB
Was working on new rules for using the computer resources
at DIKU, which resulted in a
draft proposal (in Danish) from April 3, 1997.
Chairman of the committee on IT-security at DIKU.
Member of the University committee on IT-security.
Files of interest
Various public files are found in
my archive. Among these
a collection of test images relating to edge detection is found in
image archive
I am technical editor for (the dormant) IT-lex.
Here is a link to translations of english terms in the PKI-area
PKI-terms to Danish (version from
External activities
- Dansk Standard
- Participates in Danish ISO member body meetings
on digital security (FDS = Forum for Digital Sikkerhed) and S-142/u27,
the national equivalent of ISO/IEC JTC1 U27.
- IT-lex
- Editor (scientific/technical) of
the Danish Computing Dictionary
- Member of Danish ETSI board - which however has not held meetings
for some years now
- IT terminology
- Participates in work about IT terms in Danish, see
the homepage
- e-commerce
- Technical coordinator and member of the study board
in connection with the e-business
line at ITU.
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