Project proposal: Associative containers with strong guarantees
Author:Jyrki Katajainen
Publication:CPH STL Report 2007-4, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (2007), 39 pp.
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The Standard Template Library (STL) is a collection of generic algorithms and data structures that is part of the standard run-time environment of the C++ programming language. The STL provides four kinds of associative element containers: set, multiset, map, and multimap. In this project the goal is to develop an associative container that is safer, more reliable, more usable, and/or more efficient (with respect to time and space) than any of the existing realizations.

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  author = {Jyrki Katajainen},
  title = {Project proposal: {A}ssociative containers with strong guarantees},
  type = {CPH STL Report},
  number = {2007-4},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen},
  year = {2007},
  pagetotal = {39},
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