2nd Copenhagen Conference
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
22-23 May 1995
Copenhagen, Denmark

Press Release

Copenhagen, 17 May 1995

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a recent phenomenon, where some people react with different types of discomfort and symptoms when exposed to electric and magnetic fields, or when close to things which have someting to do with electricity.

Danish Association for the Electromagnetically Hypersensitive has 60 members (May 1995). In this light the problem is not so serious in Denmark. The corresponding Swedish association, the Association for the Electrically and VDT Injured, has already 1638 members (December 1994). Most members of these associations have got their first severe symptoms when using a computer. Some recent questionnaire studies done in Sweden give an indication that more than one procent of all white-collar workers are electromagnetically hypersensitive, which is a considerable number of people. It is estimated that two-thirds of all Western office workers work with personal computers. Furthermore, the use of personal computers in homes is expanding rapidly. One can thus see the potential extent of this hazard.

We do not understand the mechanism behind the phenomenon. There are various schools of thought on the subject varying from those who believe that electricity itself is the sole cause to those who believe it to be a psychological phenomenon. The majority, however, considers that not enough is known about electromagnetic hypersensitivity and would therefore like to see qualified research done on this subject. That is why this conference is being held. We would like to give the opportunity to researchers in the field of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, who are working with diverse methods of approach, to present their findings. We would also like to stimulate discussion from various points of view.

Only in this manner may we shed light on a subject which is considered controversial in some quarters, totally ignored in others, and all too real to those who are the victim of the phenomenon of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, some of them virtual outcasts from society.

To get more information about the conference, or about electromagnetic hypersensitivity in general, please contact any member of the Program Committee:

Yngve Hamnerius

Department of Microwave Technology
Chalmers University of Technology
S-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Telephone: +46 31 772 19 05
Telefax: +46 31 16 45 13
E-mail: hamnerius@ep.chalmers.se

Mats Hanson

Swedish Assoc. of Dental Mercury Patients
Nils Påls väg 28
S-204 14 Veberöd, Sweden
Telephone: +46 46 850 59
Telefax: +46 46 850 59
E-mail: —

Maila Hietanen

Department of Physics
Institute of Occupational Health
Laajaniityntie 1
FIN-01 620 Vantaa, Finland
Telephone: +358 0 47 47 714
Telefax: +358 0 890 713
E-mail: Hietanen_Maila/TF@occuphealth.fi

Jyrki Katajainen

Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 1
DK-2100 Copenhagen East, Denmark
Telephone: +45 35 32 14 16
Telefax: +45 35 32 14 01
E-mail: jyrki@di.ku.dk

Bengt Knave

Department of Neuromedicine
National Institute of Occupational Health
Ekelundsvägen 16
S-171 84 Solna, Sweden
Telephone: —
Telefax: 00 46 8 82 05 56
E-mail: bknave@nioh.se

Sianette Kwee

Department of Biochemistry
Aarhus University
Ole Worms Allé, Bygn. 170
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Telephone: —
Telefax: —
E-mail: skwee@biokemi.au.dk

Helge Löfberg

Department of Pathology
University of Lund
Malmö General Hospital
S-214 01 Malmö, Sweden
Telephone: +46 40 33 14 80
Telefax: +46 40 33 62 46
E-mail: —

Povl Raskmark

Department of Electrical Engineering
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers vej 7A
DK-9220 Aalborg East, Denmark
Telephone: +45 98 15 85 22
Telefax: +45 98 15 67 40
E-mail: por@kom.auc.dk