Moscow ML a light-weight implementation of Standard ML.
This is the location of the Moscow ML package (mosml) for Debian GNU/Linux. The dynamic libraries are provided as an additional package (mosml-libs). The Debian packages have been created with help from Henning Niss.
Unfortunately, Moscow ML cannot be included in the official Debian distribution because the runtime system of Moscow ML is derived from software that has a non-free, GPL incompatible license.
Binary (i386) and source packages are located here for builds on a testing system or here for builds on a stable system. Alternatively,
insert the following into your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb sarge/ deb-src sarge/
If you use the Woody
distribution instead of the Sarge
distribution, replace sarge
by woody
If you are looking for other packages, visit my Debian pages.
This page was made by Jens Peter Secher and does not represent Copenhagen University or any other organisation. Last modified March 6th 2004. |