Until November 2002, I was a post-doc at Department of Computer Science (DIKU), University of Copenhagen, working on on-line program transformation, programming-language semantics, and algorithms. My PhD supervisors were Neil D. Jones and Morten Heine Sørensen, and we were all members of the TOPPS group.
I am now developing medical micro simulators at Laerdal (formerly Sophus Medical).
Driving-based Program Transformation in Theory and Practice ([B5, ps.gz]) is the title of my Ph.D. thesis, which is an in-depth treatment of many of the ideas presented in the papers below.
From Type Inference to Configuration (©
[pdf]) presents an analysis of the interactive product-line
configuration (a set of products and features with constraints on which
subsets are available), as seen in the internet shops. We show how
interactive configuration can be approached, both from a type-inference
and a binary-decision-diagram angle.
With Morten Heine Sørensen. Appears in the Book The
Essence of Computation: Complexity, Analysis, Transformation. Essays
Dedicated to Neil D. Jones.
From Checking to Inference via Driving and Dag
Grammars (© ACM
[ps.gz] ) describes an automatic method for program inversion
of lazy, first-order functional programs.
With Morten Heine
Sørensen. Presented at Workshop
on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-based Program Manipulation,
Portland, Oregon, 2002.
Driving in the Jungle (© Springer-Verlag
[ps.gz]) presents (the beginning of) a unified framework for
on-line program-transformation methods for first-order functional
programs. In this framework, deforestation, supercompilation and
tupling differ only in how terms are represented.
Presented at Second Symposium on Programs as
Data Objects (PADO-II), Aarhus, Denmark, May 2001. Appears in
2053 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 198-217.
Common-subexpression elimination of Conditional
With Oege de
On Perfect Supercompilation (©
Springer-Verlag [ps.gz]
[dvi.gz]) describes an automatic method for handling negative
information in a supercompiler.
With Morten Heine
Sørensen. Presented at Perspectives of System
Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 1999. Appears in volume
1755 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pp. 113-127. A detailed technical report
on 98 pages exists ([ps.gz]
Optimal On-line Decremental Connectivity in Trees
(© Elsevier Science [ps.gz])
With Stephen Alstrup and Maz
Spork. Appears in Information
Processing Letters, vol. 64, nr. 4, 1997, pp. 161-164. A detailed
technical report on 26 pages exists ([ps.gz]).
An extended abstract (© ACM
[ps.gz] with Mikkel
Thorup) describing empirical results appeared in ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms, January 2000.
This page was made by Jens Peter Secher and does not represent any institute, employer, or organisation. Last modified: Oct 2nd 2004 |