
Logiweb Help: Crossbrowser codex windows

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The crossbrowser codex windows allow to view the codex of the current page in Pdf, Pyk, or TeX.

The codex of a page is the closest one can get to the semantics of the page without leaping into action. The codex, together with the expansion, is the basis of proof checking and executing the page.

A Logiweb codex maps Logiweb symbols to Logiweb property lists. A Logiweb property list in turn maps Logiweb aspects to definitions. Example: Suppose a Logiweb page contains [f(x) dotequal x+2] and that [f(x) dotequal x+2] macro expands to [value: f(x) = x+2]. In this case, the 'value' aspect of the 'f' symbol would be [value: f(x) = x+2].

The crossbrowser displays a codex as a list of Logiweb symbols. Clicking one of the symbols displays the associated property list.

The crossbrowser displays a property list as a list of Logiweb aspects. Clicking one of the aspects displays the associated definition.

Clicking Dvi and Pdf in a crossbrowser menu, however, displays a TeX document with one section per symbol and one subsection per aspect.

Clicking TeX in a crossbrowser menu provides the TeX source used for generating the Dvi and Pdf windows.

Click here to open a sample crossbrowser codex menu.

Klaus Grue, GRD-2004-08-11