
Logiweb codex of problemtwo in pyk

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ref-2-id-102 {MissingArg} imply {MissingArg}
ref-0-id-0 problemtwo
ref-0-id-1 ell aa
ref-0-id-2 ell ab
ref-0-id-3 ell ac
ref-0-id-4 ell ad
ref-0-id-5 ell ae
ref-0-id-6 ell af
ref-0-id-7 ell ag
ref-0-id-8 ell ah
ref-0-id-9 ell ai
ref-0-id-10 ell aj
ref-0-id-11 ell ak
ref-0-id-12 ell al
ref-0-id-13 ell am
ref-0-id-14 ell an
ref-0-id-15 ell ao
ref-0-id-16 ell ap
ref-0-id-17 ell aq
ref-0-id-18 ell ar
ref-0-id-19 ell as
ref-0-id-20 pred calc
ref-0-id-21 pc1
ref-0-id-22 pc2
ref-0-id-23 pc3
ref-0-id-24 pc4
ref-0-id-25 pc5
ref-0-id-26 pc6
ref-0-id-27 pc7
ref-0-id-28 pc8
ref-0-id-29 pc9
ref-0-id-30 pc10
ref-0-id-31 pc11
ref-0-id-32 pc12
ref-0-id-33 pcmp
ref-0-id-34 pcunsound
ref-0-id-35 pcded
ref-0-id-36 pcia
ref-0-id-37 pcie
ref-0-id-38 pcdeduction
ref-0-id-39 trivia
ref-0-id-40 trivia2
ref-0-id-41 iatest
ref-0-id-42 andintro
ref-0-id-43 andelim1
ref-0-id-44 andelim2
ref-0-id-45 orintro1
ref-0-id-46 orintro2
ref-0-id-47 orelim
ref-0-id-48 notintro
ref-0-id-49 notnotintro
ref-0-id-50 notnotelim
ref-0-id-51 mt
ref-0-id-52 pbc
ref-0-id-53 repeat
ref-0-id-54 lem
ref-0-id-55 forallintro
ref-0-id-56 forallelim
ref-0-id-57 existsintro
ref-0-id-58 existselim
ref-0-id-59 bottomelim
ref-0-id-60 lemnotintro
ref-0-id-61 nontriv0
ref-0-id-62 nontriv1
ref-0-id-63 nontriv2
ref-0-id-64 nontriv3
ref-0-id-65 nontriv4
ref-0-id-66 nontriv5
ref-0-id-67 nontriv6
ref-0-id-68 {MissingArg} setequiv {MissingArg}
ref-0-id-69 {MissingArg} setequals {MissingArg}
ref-0-id-70 lnot {MissingArg}
ref-0-id-71 {MissingArg} land {MissingArg}
ref-0-id-72 {MissingArg} lor {MissingArg}
ref-0-id-73 forall {MissingArg} dot {MissingArg} end forall
ref-0-id-74 exists {MissingArg} dot {MissingArg} end exists
ref-0-id-75 {MissingArg} setin {MissingArg}

The pyk compiler, version 0.grue.20060417+ by Klaus Grue,
GRD-2006-07-12.UTC:19:00:11.024866 = MJD-53928.TAI:19:00:44.024866 = LGT-4659447644024866e-6