
Logiweb bibliography of test in decimal

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Reference 0
174 042 209 015 203  005 255 162 144 163
053 132 224 077 023  054 154 050 118 043
182 182 216 237 231  255 162 008 006

Reference 1
244 231 176 190 236  231 101 127 069 118
155 146 190 224 118  218 227 003 091 223
249 190 192 138 131  220 162 008 006

The pyk compiler, version 0.grue.20060417+ by Klaus Grue,
GRD-2006-06-20.UTC:12:52:21.411062 = MJD-53906.TAI:12:52:54.411062 = LGT-4657524774411062e-6