
Logiweb aspects of proclaim * as * end proclaim in pyk

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The predefined "pyk" aspect

define pyk of proclaim var x as var y end proclaim as text unicode start of text unicode small p unicode small r unicode small o unicode small c unicode small l unicode small a unicode small i unicode small m unicode space unicode asterisk unicode space unicode small a unicode small s unicode space unicode asterisk unicode space unicode small e unicode small n unicode small d unicode space unicode small p unicode small r unicode small o unicode small c unicode small l unicode small a unicode small i unicode small m unicode end of text end unicode text end text end define

The predefined "tex" aspect

define tex of proclaim var x as var y end proclaim as text unicode start of text unicode newline unicode left bracket unicode number sign unicode one unicode slash unicode small t unicode small e unicode small x unicode space unicode small n unicode small a unicode small m unicode small e unicode slash unicode small t unicode small e unicode small x unicode period unicode newline unicode backslash unicode small b unicode small o unicode small w unicode small t unicode small i unicode small e unicode number sign unicode two unicode period unicode newline unicode right bracket unicode end of text end unicode text end text end define

The predefined "definition" aspect

Predef: proclaim

The pyk compiler, version 0.grue.20060417 by Klaus Grue,
GRD-2006-02-24.UTC:10:23:46.350024 = MJD-53790.TAI:10:24:19.350024 = LGT-4647493459350024e-6