
Logiweb aspects of {MissingArg} guard {MissingArg} in pyk

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The predefined "pyk" aspect

define pyk of x guard x as text unicode start of text unicode quotation mark unicode space unicode small g unicode small u unicode small a unicode small r unicode small d unicode space unicode quotation mark unicode end of text end unicode text end text end define

The predefined "tex" aspect

define tex of x guard x as text unicode start of text unicode number sign unicode one unicode period unicode newline unicode colon unicode number sign unicode two unicode period unicode end of text end unicode text end text end define

The predefined "value" aspect

define value of var x guard var y as if var x then var y else var y end if end define

The pyk compiler, version 0.grue.20060417+ by Klaus Grue,
GRD-2006-06-06.UTC:07:18:19.012409 = MJD-53892.TAI:07:18:52.012409 = LGT-4656295132012409e-6