
Logiweb aspects of ragged right in pyk

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The predefined "pyk" aspect

define pyk of ragged right as text unicode start of text unicode small r unicode small a unicode small g unicode small g unicode small e unicode small d unicode space unicode small r unicode small i unicode small g unicode small h unicode small t unicode end of text end unicode text end text end define

The predefined "tex" aspect

define tex of ragged right as text unicode start of text unicode newline unicode backslash unicode small r unicode small a unicode small g unicode small g unicode small e unicode small d unicode small r unicode small i unicode small g unicode small h unicode small t unicode end of text end unicode text end text end define

The predefined "texname" aspect

define tex name of ragged right as text unicode start of text unicode newline unicode small r unicode small a unicode small g unicode small g unicode small e unicode small d unicode backslash unicode space unicode small r unicode small i unicode small g unicode small h unicode small t unicode end of text end unicode text end text end define

The pyk compiler, version 0.grue.20060417+ by Klaus Grue,
GRD-2006-06-06.UTC:07:18:19.012409 = MJD-53892.TAI:07:18:52.012409 = LGT-4656295132012409e-6