
Logiweb aspects of expand two {MissingArg} definition {MissingArg} state {MissingArg} cache {MissingArg} end expand in pyk

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The predefined "pyk" aspect

define pyk of expand two x definition x state x cache x end expand as text unicode start of text unicode small e unicode small x unicode small p unicode small a unicode small n unicode small d unicode space unicode small t unicode small w unicode small o unicode space unicode quotation mark unicode space unicode small d unicode small e unicode small f unicode small i unicode small n unicode small i unicode small t unicode small i unicode small o unicode small n unicode space unicode quotation mark unicode space unicode small s unicode small t unicode small a unicode small t unicode small e unicode space unicode quotation mark unicode space unicode small c unicode small a unicode small c unicode small h unicode small e unicode space unicode quotation mark unicode space unicode small e unicode small n unicode small d unicode space unicode small e unicode small x unicode small p unicode small a unicode small n unicode small d unicode end of text end unicode text end text end define

The predefined "tex" aspect

define tex of expand two x definition x state x cache x end expand as text unicode start of text unicode newline unicode left brace unicode backslash unicode small c unicode small a unicode small l unicode space unicode capital m unicode right brace unicode underscore unicode two unicode left parenthesis unicode number sign unicode one unicode period unicode newline unicode comma unicode number sign unicode two unicode period unicode newline unicode comma unicode number sign unicode three unicode period unicode newline unicode comma unicode number sign unicode four unicode period unicode newline unicode right parenthesis unicode end of text end unicode text end text end define

The predefined "value" aspect

define value of expand two var t definition var d state var s cache var c end expand as var d select var t head pair expand list var t tail state var s cache var c end expand else normalizing untag eval var d third stack true cache var c end eval tagged apply var t tagged apply var s tagged apply var c end untag end select end define

The pyk compiler, version 0.grue.20060417+ by Klaus Grue,
GRD-2006-06-06.UTC:07:18:19.012409 = MJD-53892.TAI:07:18:52.012409 = LGT-4656295132012409e-6