
Logiweb aspects of meta-sub1 {MissingArg} is {MissingArg} where {MissingArg} is {MissingArg} end sub in pyk

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The predefined "value" aspect

define value of meta-sub1 var a is var b where var x is var t end sub as var a tagged guard var x tagged guard var t tagged guard newline tagged if tagged if var b term root equal quote for all objects var u indeed var v end quote then var b first term equal var x else false end if then var a term equal var b else newline tagged if var b term equal var x then var a term equal var t else tagged if newline var a term root equal var b then meta-sub* var a tail is var b tail where var x is var t end sub else false end if end if end if end define

The pyk compiler, version 0.grue.20060417+ by Klaus Grue,
GRD-2006-12-08.UTC:16:16:16.345569 = MJD-54077.TAI:16:16:49.345569 = LGT-4672311409345569e-6