
Logiweb body of helloworld in pyk

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"File page.sty
% thebibliography environment from
% /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/book.cls
% with \chapter removed
\@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
End of file
File page.tex
\documentclass [fleqn]{article}
\setlength {\overfullrule }{1mm}



% The font of each Logiweb construct is under tight control except that
% strings are typeset in whatever font is in effect at the time of
% typesetting. This is done to enhance the readability of strings in the
% TeX source generated by Logiweb. The default font for typesetting
% strings is \rm:


\hypersetup{pdfpagescrop={120 130 490 730}}
\hypersetup{pdftitle=A Logiweb base page}

% \tex{something} writes something to page.otx for later inclusion
\newcommand{\tex}[1]{\toktex={\item #1}\immediate\write\outex{\the\toktex}}

% \test{something} writes something to page.tst for later inclusion
\newcommand{\test}[1]{\toktex={\item #1}\immediate\write\outest{\the\toktex}}

% Concerning \catcode`\@=11 : See the TeXbook, Appendix B (page 344).
% \afterheading suppresses indentation once, c.f. latex.ltx.
% \display{something} displays something as a displayed equation except
% that linebreaking is possible and displaymath is not turned on by default.
% The first paragraph after \display{something} is unindented.
% Glue below formulas may be wrong. The definition of \display misses
% something like \addvspace{\belowdisplayskip}.
\item #1\end{list}

\item #1\end{list}


den anden maj 2006 "

begin math pyk define helloworld as "helloworld" end define end math

end "
End of file
latex page
dvipdfm page"

The pyk compiler, version 0.grue.20060417 by Klaus Grue,
GRD-2006-05-02.UTC:18:03:29.383777 = MJD-53857.TAI:18:04:02.383777 = LGT-4653309842383777e-6