Joint Disease Workshop: Introduction

MICCAI Joint Disease Workshop 2006


Quantitative Automated Musculoskeletal Analysis

Since 1998, the yearly MICCAI (Medical Image Computing & Computer Aided Intervention) conference has been a premier event for presenting ground-breaking work on medical image analysis with a strong methodological and technological basis. However, the field of joint diseases has been relatively sparsely represented in the clinical applications.

At the same time, a number of more clinically oriented conferences and journals have given much attention to the many challenging tasks involved in analysis, visualization and quantification of the radiological data relevant to diagnosis and/or clinical studies of joint diseases. This research is motivated by clinical problems and often focus on application relevance and/or biological insight.

The purpose of organizing a workshop on Joint Diseases in conjunction with MICCAI 2006 is to make a small contribution to bridging this gap between these challenging and important clinical problems on one side and advanced image analysis methods on the other. The hope is to allow the clinically motivated researchers further access to sophisticated mathematically well-founded methods and to offer biological insight to the mathematicians.

The workshop is organized by Erik Dam (IT University of Copenhagen, Image Group), Sharmila Majumdar (University of California, San Francisco, Department of Radiology), and Chris Buckland-Wright (King's College London, Division of Applied Biomedical Research). The invited key note speaker is Felix Eckstein (Paracelsus Private Medical University, Salzburg, Institute of Anatomy and Musculoskeletal Research).

The workshop logo is composed from a sketch inspired by the little mermaid made for MICCAI 2006. Surely, sitting on a rock in the relatively cold Copenhagen harbor water, this aging lady must be familiar with joint stiffness in the morning.