Joint Disease Workshop: Accepted Papers

Accepted Papers

The following papers have been accepted for oral presentation:

- Improving the Segmentation Accuracy of Fractured Vertebrae with Dynamically Sequenced Active Appearance Models
- Position Normalization in Automatic Cartilage Segmentation
- Automatic Curvature Analysis of the Articular Cartilage Surface
- Quantitative vertebral morphometry using neighbor-conditional shape models
- Automatic Cartilage Thickness Quantification using a Statistical Shape Model
- Anatomically Equivalent Focal Regions Defined on the Bone Increases Precision when Measuring Cartilage Thickness from Knee MRI
- Automatic Detection of Erosions in Rheumatoid Arthritis

The following papers have been accepted for poster presentation:

- MR image segmentation using phase information and a novel multiscale scheme
- Automatic Quantification of Cartilage Homogeneity
- Knee Images Digital Analysis: a quantitative method for individual radiographic features of knee osteoarthritis.
- Improved Parameter Extraction From Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Data in RA Studies
- Novel Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Segmentation Outputs for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Data in RA Studies
- 3D Shape Description of the Bicipital Groove: Correlation to Pathology
- Efficient Automatic Cartilage Segmentation
- 3D Shape Analysis of the Supraspinatus Muscle
- Three dimensional dynamic model with different tibial plateau shapes: Analyzing tibio-femoral movement