Professor in the DistLab Group at DIKU which is the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Director of eScience Studies.
Spent 6 months as a Visiting Researcher at Microsoft Research Ltd., Cambridge, UK, during 2005-2006.
Principal architect of the Emerald runtime system (kernel). Currently involved in building a solid laboratory for research in distributed systems nicknamed Distlab.
Quick links: DMI VMC METAR opmet bane DSB DSvU TRIM togRO togNØ SAS DB Ph.d. advise google Ø D0GB coolsms f-f-f ZP
Main interests: distributed operating systems and their implementation including cryptology, object-oriented languages and systems and their implementation including garbage collection and interaction with operating systems, and object-oriented design.
Current major project: Danish Center for Grid Computing
Personlige oplysninger: Født Roskilde Amtssygehus 24. september 1955. Dansk far, amerikansk mor. Seks års skolegang Absalons skole, Roskilde. Tre år i New York, derefter 2 år på Frederiksberg Gymnasium (Student 73x). Cand. scient. i datalogi med bifag i matematik, Københavns Universitet 1980. Adjunktvikar DIKU 1981. Kandidatstipendiat fra DIKU - anvendt til at få en Ph.D. fra University of Washington - Ph.D. afhandling med titlen: "Object Mobility in a Distributed Object-Oriented System" 1988. Fra 1987 adjunkt ved DIKU, fra 1989 lektor, institutleder 1989-92, professor fra 2000. Gæsteprofessor ved Aalborg Universitet 1997-98. Adjungeret professor Aalborg Universitet 1999-2004. Skolebestyrelsesformand Absalons skole, Roskilde 1991-99. Svæveflyver i FFF siden 1972. Svæveflyvecertifikat 1973, hjælpeinstruktør 1977, førsteinstruktør siden 1979. Dansk ungdomsmester 1977. Danmarksrekord 200 km trekant, 2s katagori, 1981. I alt mere end 3.000 starter og 1.350 timer (det er mere end et døgn per år af mit liv). Mer' nedenfor. Bosiddende i Roskilde 1955-1968, og igen siden 1987. New York 1968-71. Frederiksberg 1971-81. København 1981-82. Seattle 1982-87.
Personal information: Born 1955-09-24 in Roskilde; mother American, father Danish therefore I am a dual national. Grew up in Roskilde - left Roskilde to follow father who in 1968 became a secretary at the UN. Back in Denmark 1971, graduated from high school (Frederiksberg Gymnasium 73x) in 1973. From 1982 Ph.D. student at the University of Washington--defended Ph.D.: "Object Mobility in a Distributed Object-Oriented System" December 1988, Seattle, Washington, USA.. Moved back to Roskilde 1987. Assistant Professor Dept. of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, 1987, Associate Professor from 1989, Department Chair 1989-92. Full professor since 2000. School board chairman Absalons skole 1991-99. Active glider pilot, certified flying instructor since 1977, more than 1,350 hours logged and 3,000 flights (that's one full 24 hour day per year of my life). Danish junior national Champion 1977. One Danish National speed record. See more below.
Time links: NTP Trimble ACUTIME 2000
USNO Master Clock: Ticks for a short time only. Click reload/refresh to get a fresh time. Clock does not work with all browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer).
When did the new millenium start? (See also below, if you are at all in doubt about when the new millenium started! Hint: most of the world does not know!)
Earlier projects: - putting devices on the Internet. A DSM project called CarlOS. The ubiquitous computing project AMIGOS.
ECOOP'99, ECOOP 2000, ECOOP 2001 PC, ECOOP 2002, and ECOOP 2003 PC member. ISMM 2000 PC member. COOTS'01 PC member. Program chair ECOOP'98. OOPSLA '98 and '99 PC member. Local arrangements for ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2000 (EW2000). SOSP'99 Publicity Chair. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2002 Program Chair.
Since 1972 Eric has been a glider pilot in Frederikssund-Frederiksværk Flyveklub (FFF), a club organized under Dansk Svæveflyver Union (see The Danish Soaring Web Site). I prefer flying real gliders such as our club's DG-300 or as a Certified Instructor teaching people to fly in the club's Twin Astir which is a two-seater glider. However, when weather or time does not allow for real flying, I do cheat and fly a powered glider (yes, such things do exist, just as there are sailboat with engines). See a picture of the nice powered glider that I own a share of (photographed by Jan Winterskov). It is a Dimona HK 36 TTC 115 built by Diamond Aircraft in Austria. It appears with me in the picture above which was taken by my wife on August 5th, 2005 at the Rostock Airport where we stopped for lunch on a weekend trip to Berlin. Although it can be used as a fair glider, it is mainly used by glider pilots as an inexpensive powered aircraft. It cruises at up to 110 knots, climbs at up to 11 knots. It climbs so well that it has a tow hook, so that we can tow other gliders. I have flown it as far away as Paris, Dresden, and Oslo and use it regularily to fly to meetings in Aarhus and Aalborg and on visits to otherwise fairly inaccessible small Danish Islands (e.g., Læsø, Anholt, Ærø, Fur, Endelave, Samsø, Vejrø, Sejerø, Tunø, Als, Fanø, and Femø) where the Super Dimona's great short takeoff and landing characteristics (needs only a 1,000 foot runway) make access to even the smallest airfield possible. I have also used it as a cross country power plane on trips as far away as Gotland in Sweden, Berlin, Brussels, Oslo, Dresden, Koblenz, and Paris, France. Diamond's division in London, Ontario, Canada has pictures and technical info where the aircraft is called the Katana Xtreme DA20 HK36TTC. If you are interested, you can also see more information about the group that owns the plane.
For urgent business, send an SMS message to my cell phone: +45 40 25 16 50 (best) - or call it and leave a voice mail message (OK, but response is variable).
When is the new millenium?? That is, according to the calendar?
If you ask the US Naval Observatory (if you believe the Americans) or the Royal Observatory Greenwich (if you are more inclined to believe the British), the answer is January 1st, 2001. Why? (Note: the links to the two observatories are now obsolete, so I have replaced them with links to archived versions of the pages at Or ask the Canadians (archived).
I find the following quote from the observatory in Greenwich quite interesting:
We have received a great deal of e-mail regarding the start of the 21st Century. It is interesting to note that this is not the first time that this controversy has arisen. The Times must have received many letters towards the end of 1799, since its editors felt moved to make the following comments about the beginning of the 19th Century:
"We have uniformly rejected all letters and declined all discussion upon the question of when the present century ends, as it is one of the most absurd that can engage the public attention, and we are astonished to find it has been the subject of so much dispute, since it appears plain. The present century will not terminate till January 1, 1801, unless it can be made out that 99 are 100... It is a silly, childish discussion, and only exposes the want of brains of those who maintain a contrary opinion to that we have stated"
The Times, 26 December 1799
Despite this, the majority of the world appears unable to count and so believes in calendar-wise incorrect turn-of-the millenium and century dates. (If enough people believe in something that is factually wrong, it becomes an accepted "fact", sigh.)
Plan: .plan file
There is an Emerald distribution directory For more information refer to the Emerald home page
An SOSP'95 paper Object
and Native Code Thread Mobility Among Heterogeneous Computers
describes heterogeneous Emerald including how to move objects
executing native code (there is also a gzip-compressed
Office: HCØ Institute, Universitetsparken 5, Building E,
office 04.0.02 (As of February 11th, 2008.)
Phone: +45 35 32 14 14
Department Phone: +45 35 32 14
Department Fax: +45 35 32 14 01
Fax home: +45
46 35 16 54 (separate line)
Cellular: +45 40 25 16 50
(Preferably: send a SMS; alternatively leave a message; call any
time day or night or Christmas, but beware that response time can be
up to two weeks--SMS preferred as response time usually is less than
a day).
Best number for voicemail: Voice over IP number:
+45 36 94 96 50 - see on-line status below.
This number is also
accessible by dialing +44 870 068 7202 (in the UK: 0870 068
This number is also accessible by dialing +1 206-424-3195
(in the US: (206) 424 3195, a Washington state number).
numbers have voice mailboxes that, besides leaving messages in my
voice mailbox, also e-mails them to me.
(Godt sted at efterlade beskeder/excellent for leaving messages).
For other phone numbers: University of Copenhagen Phone directory
E-mail: eric at (replace " at " with an at-symbol).
My public PGP key for my e-mail account at DIKU which is eric at
146437D0 2006/04/15 Eric Jul (DIKU 2006 key) Key fingerprint = 3F62 498F EB26 37C8 024C B385 95B6 CA41 1464 37D0 I also have a public PGP key for my private e-mail account, ericjul at 5BAA739C 2006/04/15 Eric Jul (Home e-mail key 2006) Key fingerprint = FD83 B049 9776 E5A6 4E28 AE78 0D94 BFCF 5BAA 739C