- Semi-Connected TCP/IP in a Mobile Computing Environment by J. S. Hansen, T. Reich and B. Andersen, The Workshop for Information Visualization and Mobile Computing, February 1996.
(available in html or postscript)
- Semi-Connected TCP/IP in a Mobile Computing Environment by J. S. Hansen and T. Reich. Masters thesis supervised by B. Andersen and K. Hansen, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Defended June 1996.
(available in compressed postscript)
- A Scheduling Scheme for Network Saturated NT Multiprocessors by J. S. Hansen and E. Jul, The USENIX Windows NT Workshop Proceedings, August 1997.
(available in html or postscript)
- Dynamic Adaptation of Network Connections in Mobile Environments by J. S. Hansen, T. Reich, B. Andersen and Eric Jul, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 2(1), January/February 1998.
- Implementing a File System Interface to SCI by Povl T. Koch, J. S. Hansen, E. Cecchet and X. Rousset de Pina, Published in the book SCI: Scalable Coherent Interface. Architecture and Software for High-Performance Compute Clusters (Edited by H. Hellwagner, A. Reinefeld), Springer LNCS State-of-the-Art Survey, Vol. 1734, 1999. ISBN 3-540-66696-6.
- A Stream Protocol Implementation for an SCI-based Cluster of Workstations by J. S. Hansen, Povl T. Koch and E. Jul, The 1999 Workshop on Cluster-Based Computing (held in conjunction with 1999 International Conference on Supercomputing), June 1999.
(available in postscript)
- SciOS: An SCI-based Software Distributed Shared Memory by Povl T. Koch, J. S. Hansen, E. Cecchet and X. Rousset de Pina 1st Workshop on Software Distributed Shared Memory (held in conjunction with 1999 International Conference on Supercomputing), June 1999.
- Communication Path Optimisations for Cluster Servers by J. S. Hansen. Ph.D. thesis supervised by E. Jul. Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Defended March 2000.
(available in postscript - A4 paper)
- Optimizing TCP Forwarder Performance by Oliver Spatscheck, J. S. Hansen, John H. Hartman and Larry L. Peterson, ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, Volume 8(2), p. 146--157, April 2000.
(also available as a technical report in postscript)
- Latency Reduction using a Polling Scheduler by J. S. Hansen and E. Jul, The 2nd Workshop on Cluster-Based Computing (held in conjunction with the 2000 International Conference on Supercomputing), May 2000.
(available in postscript)
- Prioritizing Network Event Handling in Clusters of Workstations by J. S. Hansen and E. Jul, Euro-Par 2001, August 2001.
(available at Springer)
- Flexible Network Attached Storage using Remote DMA by J. S. Hansen, Hot Interconnects 9, August 2001. (to appear)
- I/O Buffer Management for Shared Storage Devices in SCI-based Clusters of Workstations by J. S. Hansen, SCI Europe 2001, October 2001. (this is an extended, revised version of the paper above, i.e., "Flexible Network Attached Storage using Remote DMA")
(available in postscript)
- Proboscis : distribution adaptable de l'espace de stockage sur l'ensemble des stations d'une grappe. by R. Lachaize and J. S. Hansen, In Proceedings of ASF 2002, Journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en systèmes d'exploitation, Hammamet (Tunisia), April 10th-13th, 2002.
- Using Idle Disks in a Cluster as a High-Performance Storage System by J. S. Hansen and R. Lachaize, IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, September 2002.
- Experiences with reducing TCP performance Problems on ADSL by J. D. Brouer and J. S. Hansen, DIKU technical report 04/07, May 14th, 2004.
(available in PDF or compressed postscript).
- Simplifying Administration through Dynamic Reconfiguration in a Cooperative Cluster Storage System by R. Lachaize and J. S. Hansen, IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, September 2004.
- A Distributed Shared Buffer Space for Data-intensive Applications by R. Lachaize and J. S. Hansen, DSM 2005: Fifth International Workshop on
Distributed Shared Memory (held in conjunction with IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2005)), May 2005.
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