Andrzej Filinski
Associate Professor,
Contact Info
- Office:
24.5.48 (South Campus)
HCØ B, 01-0-010
- Phone:
- (+45)
3532 1407 2961 1643 (office/mobile)
- (+45) 2671 3053 (home/mobile)
- Fax:
- (+45) 3532 1401
- Physical mail:
Andrzej Filinski
DIKU, Dept. of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 5
DK-2100 Copenhagen
- Email:
- andrzej* (replace * with @).
- Web:
Planned absences, etc.
10-17 August 2009: LICS/PCC, Los Angeles, CA
I am a member of the TOPPS (Programming
Language Theory and Practice) group at DIKU.
My current interests are in formal semantics, computational
effects and monads, normalization by evaluation,
and logical frameworks.
Some of my publications are online.
Fall 2001: Introduction to Programming Language Semantics (E01.202).
Spring 2002: Type Theory and Type Systems (F02.224)
(mostly in Danish).
Fall 2002:
Programming Languages (E02.202).
Spring 2003: Formal Semantics of Programming Languages (F03.224),
Advanced compilers (F03.213) (in Danish).
Fall 2003:
Programming Languages (E03.202).
Spring 2004: Formal Semantics of Programming Languages (F04.213).
Fall 2004: Types and Programming Languages (E04.224),
Programming Languages (E04.202).
Spring 2005: Formal Semantics of Programming Languages (F05.213).
Fall 2005: Program Transformation (E05.224).
Winter 2005: Types and Programming Languages (V05.202).
Spring 2006: Programming languages (F06.246).
Summer 2006:
Formal Semantics of Programming Languages (S06.224),
Computation and Deduction (S06.268).
Fall 2006: Types and Programming Languages (E06.235)
Winter 2006: Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages (E06.246)
Spring 2007: Programming languages (F07.213)
Summer 2007: Formal Semantics of Programming languages (S07.268)
Fall 2007: Types and Programming Languages (E07.224),
Functional Programming
Winter 2007: Computation and Deduction (E07.213)
Spring 2008: Programming Languages
Summer 2008: Formal Semantics of Programming Languages
Here are some suggestions for bachelor's/master's projects on
certifying compilation.
I am co-organizing the Copenhagen
Programming Language Seminar, a quasi-weekly seminar series for
programming-language researchers in the Copenhagen area. If you would
like to give (or host) a talk, let me know.